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How we developed the LGBTIQA+ inclusion plan

DPC engaged an external consultant with lived experience to develop this plan which was developed based on an extensive review of relevant DPC policies and practices, consultation with key stakeholders and analysis of 2023 People Matter Survey data.

Policy review and data analysis

DPC undertook a review of key policies and practices to understand the extent to which they were inclusive of LGBTIQA+ people and to identify areas of good practice and improvement. This involved undertaking a review of departmental plans, HR policies, DE&I strategies and action plans, internal communications, training, and employee resources and supports. DPC also reviewed People Matter Survey data for 2023 to understand LGBTIQA+ employee experiences of workplace culture, wellbeing and engagement.

Stakeholder consultation

DGS People and Culture briefed senior leadership groups on DPC’s approach to developing the LGBTIQA+ inclusion plan including purpose, proposed stakeholder consultation, and key milestones and timeframes for delivering the plan.

To help shape the plan, DPC also facilitated a series of focus groups and one-to-one interviews with LGBTIQA+, trans and gender diverse and non-LGBTIQA+ employees and senior leaders to understand the experiences of LGBTIQA+ people and allies.

The consultation provided participants with an opportunity to share their ideas, experiences and challenges, and consider what actions DPC can put in place to improve LGBTIQA+ inclusion in the department.

  • LGBTIQA+ allyship at DPC – open to LGBTIQA+ employees and non-LGBTIQA+ employees, this session examined what meaningful LGBTIQA+ allyship looks like and discussed areas for improvement.
  • Trans and gender diverse inclusion at DPC – this session provided an opportunity for trans and gender diverse employees to share their lived experience and discuss ideas for creating a safe and inclusive workplace.
  • LGBTIQA+ lived experience at DPC – this session, provided an opportunity for LGBTIQA+ employees to share their lived experiences and discuss how DPC can create an environment where LGBTIQA+ employees feel a sense of inclusion and belonging.
  • LGBTIQA+ education, policy and practice at DPC – open to key stakeholders working or with an interest or knowledge in LGBTIQA+ education, policy and practice, this session explored inclusive policies and practices at DPC.

Co-design action planning

The analysis of the policy review, People Matter Survey data and stakeholder consultation culminated in a co-design action planning workshop with employees and key stakeholders from across DPC, including those that participated in the consultation process. The workshop was facilitated online using a visual board to review proposed actions, identify gaps and prioritise actions for the short, medium and longer term. All participants, including those who were unable to make the workshop, had the opportunity to contribute to the visual board following the session.
