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Make a complaint about early childhood services

Information for parents, educators, and others who wish to complain about an early childhood service.

You can contact an early childhood service, or us directly, if you're concerned about:

  • the safety, health, or wellbeing of children
  • staff behaviours and practices
  • any other matter.

You can speak to:

  • the approved provider
  • any person who controls or manages the service, such as a nominated supervisor.

It's the service's responsibility to deal with all complaints in a positive, constructive and professional manner.

Before you make a complaint

Before you approach the service or provider you should:

  • be clear about the topic or issue you want to discuss
  • focus on the things that are genuinely affecting your child/children at the service
  • always remain calm, and remember you may not have all the facts relating to the circumstances or issue you wish to discuss
  • think about what outcome would be acceptable for you
  • be informed; check either the Education and Care Services National Law Act or the Children's Services Act, and the service’s policies or guidelines.

How to make a complaint with a service

Visit the centre

You can enter the service at any time during operational hours to talk to staff about your concerns. If you feel that your concerns have not been met, you can also speak to us.

Ask to see the written complaints policy and procedures

All early childhood services must have a written policy and procedure that states who you need to speak to about your complaint, how they will respond, and which complaints must be notified to the department.

The name and the telephone number of the person who deals with complaints must also be displayed at the entrance to the service, or in the case of family day care, at the service's principal office.

Lodge a complaint in writing

You should follow the service’s complaints procedure to help you submit your written complaint if required.

Writing your complaint down can clarify your concerns and bring all your information together. It also means you’ll have a clear record of your complaint.

If you are having difficulties making your complaint you can:

Service’s response to complaints

The service is required to deal with, and respond to, complaints in a confidential, effective, and timely way. Depending on the type of complaint, the service may need to notify us.

For information on when Long Day Care, Kindergarten, Family Day Care and Outside School Hours Care services must notify us refer to: Notification types and timelines.

Occasional care and limited hours services must notify us in the same situations and timelines, but must complete the Notification of serious incidents (including physical or sexual abuse) complaints, and additional children attending service in an emergency form and email it to us at

Raise a complaint with us directly

You can also make a complaint directly to us at any time by phone or email.

We will investigate complaints that allege that:

  • the safety, health or wellbeing of a child or children has been compromised while that child or children is, or are, being educated and cared for by the approved education and care service.
  • there have been any incidents of physical and sexual abuse of a child.
  • the relevant legislation has been contravened (either the Education and Care Services National Law Act or the Children's Services Act).

We do not investigate complaints about fees, employment disputes at the service, or other issues not regulated under legislation.

An authorised officer from your local QARD regional office will assess the complaint and take further action.

Contact us

For more information on early childhood regulated in Victoria refer to: How we regulate early childhood services.

Formal complaints to us

All complaints to us are treated confidentially. Your identity cannot be disclosed unless you give written consent or a court grants leave for this to occur.

If you provide your name and contact details when you make a complaint, we will provide you with details of the complaint's outcome.

If you wish to make a complaint about an authorised officer or the actions taken by QARD refer to: Make a complaint about Early Childhood Services.
