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Make a report to the Portable Long Service Authority

If you suspect someone is breaking the rules about portable long service leave, you can report it.

Prior to completing this form, please read the industry-specific pages below to ensure the employer you are reporting is covered by the Scheme.

Community services

Contract cleaning


To find out if a business is registered with the Authority, check the Employer lookup(opens in a new window).

If the business is not currently registered, please report it by completing the form below.

Fill in the form below

You can provide information to the Portable Long Service Authority using the form below and can choose to remain anonymous.

We do not require you to provide personal information such as your name or contact details unless you choose to do so and wish to be advised on the outcome of your report. The Authority’s ability to investigate and resolve a report may be limited by the information provided. If you provide your contact details, we will not disclose them to the employer.

We will not disclose your personal information without your consent, except where required to do so by law.

Read more about Your privacy and the Portable Long Service Authority.

Do you wish to remain anonymous?(Required)

Business details

Details of the business you are making a report about.

As an affected worker, are you:

Does this information relate to: (Required)

Details about the issue

How did you find out about the issue?

Please add any information that will assist the Authority in the investigation of your report. This may include links to online or print advertisements, job vacancy advertisements, flyers, payslips and Payment Summaries (also known as “Group Certificates”).

Documents can be emailed to 

Contact details

Once you have provided us with your contact details, we can discuss the case with you and make further investigations to resolve the issue. 

Your assistance goes a long way in ensuring that covered workers receive the portable long service benefits they deserve. 

Please leave your contact details below.

The Portable Long Service Authority (the Authority) collects the information that you provide with this report form. The information that you provide may be used to follow up your report. You can request access to, and corrections of, any information provided in this form. Requests for access or correction should be sent to The Authority is using the services of Drupal 9 to administer this form. The information that you provide is stored in our Drupal 9 content management system and Microsoft Azure servers. For more information on the authority’s handling of any personal information, please refer to our Privacy Statement. Please contact the Portable Long Service Authority on 1800 517 158 if you wish to use an alternative mechanism to the online form.
