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Evaluation approach

The evaluation approach aligns with the Victorian Government's outcomes reform. The outcomes reform focuses on identifying and quantifying public value created by departments and agencies. By doing so, it supports Government to focus on what really matters. It contributes to making genuine and lasting change in the prosperity and wellbeing of Victorians.

Tracking progress on outcomes helps Government to:

  • provide evidence of what works
  • support more rigorous testing of public agency strategies
  • encourage a culture of continuous learning.

The evaluation approach will be incrementally rolled out across the whole of Victorian government. This will begin with those measures that are more readily available and where data can be simply gathered and stored. Advanced measures will be rolled out in future years. Departments and agencies will have notice, so there is time to prepare.

The purpose of gathering this evaluation data is to have a shared set of consistent metrics. These measures will support continuous improvement in engagement practice.

The implementation of the evaluation approach will be supported by an outcomes and monitoring plan. The outcomes and monitoring plan provides:

  • guidance and tools for how evaluation data will be collected and reported
  • roles and responsibilities for the collection
  • reporting requirements for each outcome
  • timing for annual reporting.

This section of the framework defines the outcomes, indicators and measures for the framework. Each outcome can have multiple indicators, which can in turn have multiple measures. They are numbered to indicate their relationship.
