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Vision, goals and outcomes

Public engagement vision

The public engagement vision is Working together to make better decisions and improve the lives of Victorians. The vision was endorsed by the Victorian Secretaries’ Board in 2018. Alongside the vision are two domains (community and system) and a series of outcomes.

The domains outline the priorities for building stronger relationships and engaging with Victorians. The outcomes focus on engagement success for the community and government. They are part of the evaluation framework for public engagement.

Domain 1: Community outcomes

Building stronger relationships and engaged communities

  • People are involved: People engage and know their views have been listened to and used by Government.
  • People have choice and flexibility: People can choose how they would like to be involved.
  • Communities are well represented: We collect representative views and build strong relationships with communities.

Domain 2: System outcomes

A public sector that engages effectively with Victorians

  • Our workforce values engagement and uses it to inform decisions: Our workforce has the skills, resources and competencies to engage with Victorians effectively.
  • Our systems enable engagement: We will make better use of data and information, and insights from public engagement to inform government decision-making.
