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Evaluation framework

The evaluation framework is divided into two domains, which are derived from the public engagement vision. Performance in each domain is determined through a series of outcomes, indicators and measures.

Domain 1: Build stronger relationships and engaged communities

Outcome 1: People are involved. People engage and know their views have been listened to and used by Government.

Indicators Measures
Increase participation in public engagement

Proportion of projects that involve the public in decision-making.

Proportion of people who have participated in public engagement more than once.

Proportion of people who participated in public engagement for the first time.

Increase transparency in how public engagement informs decision making Proportion of people who report that they were informed about how their views informed decision-making.

Outcome 2: People have choice and flexibility. People can choose how they would like to be involved.

Indicators Measures
Increase participation in the design and delivery of engagement processes

Proportion of public engagement projects that involve people in the design and delivery.

Proportion of people who report that they know how to engage in government decision-making.

Increase accessibility of public engagement projects

Proportion of public engagement projects that offer a variety of engagement options/methods.

Proportion of people who report that participation in public engagement was accessible.

Proportion of public engagement activities delivered through digital solutions.

Outcome 3: Communities are represented. We collect representative views and build strong relationships with communities.

Indicators Measures
Increase involvement and engagement with communities to better understand their needs Proportion of public engagement projects designed and delivered in partnership with communities.
Increase diversity in public engagement Proportion of public engagement participants from diverse backgrounds/cohort groups, by cohort groups.
Represent diverse communities Proportion of people from priority communities who are represented.

Domain 2: A public sector that engages effectively with Victorians

Outcome 4: Our workforce values engagement and uses it to inform decisions. Our workforce has the skills, resources and competencies to engage with Victorians effectively

Indicators Measures
Increase skills and capabilities in public engagement

Proportion of staff who have completed engagement training and/or skills development.

Proportion of staff who have undertaken diversity training or have demonstrated understanding and experience working with diverse communities.

Proportion of staff who report that they used their training/skills to design and deliver engagement activities.

Increase leadership and support to enable quality public engagement

Proportion of public engagement activities/projects allocated suitable time and resources.

Proportion of leaders who report that they use public engagement feedback to support decision making (by the focus areas of service, policy, regulation, disaster preparedness and recovery, legislation and infrastructure).

Outcome 5: Our systems enable engagement. We will make better use of data and information, and insights from public engagement to inform government decision making.

Indicators Measures
Increase coordination and collaboration across the VPS

Proportion of public engagement activities delivered in partnership, by partnership type i.e. community, cross government etc. Increase use of data and evidence to inform decision-making.

Proportion of public engagement activities informed by data and evidence from previous engagements.

Increase evaluation and reporting of public engagement activities/processes

Proportion of public engagement projects evaluated and findings reported.

Proportion of public engagement activities where findings and decisions made were reported (by reporting type i.e. internally across government, externally to community/participants.
