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The Builder - registered building practitioners

If you are carrying out domestic building work (for example, rebuilding a house), you’ll need to use a registered building practitioner if the value of the work is more than $10,000. You can also check if a building practitioner or company is registered using the Victorian Building Authority Find a practitioner portal.


You may wish to carry out the domestic building work as an owner-builder, where you will be responsible for carrying out the work on your own land. If the value of the domestic building work you will be doing is over $16,000, you will need to obtain a certificate of consent from the VBA to be an owner-builder.

To find out more, please visit Owner-builder eligibility or the Victorian Building Authorities owner-builder fact sheet.

What should you be looking for in a registered building practioner?

There are now a number of architects and building designers who have developed a range of built dwellings that are designed for all BAL types.

Many builders now have experience in construction methods and outcomes required in bushfire resilient construction.

As the client for whom the house is being built, the most important considerations are that the builder you choose to use is appropriately registered to carry out the required work, has the necessary insurances and that that they have no disciplinary actions against them. It is prudent to check reviews of previous work they have completed.

Beyond materials used and the overall design, the primary outcome sought by the construction standards to mitigate bushfire risk is that the structure is well sealed against the ingress of embers or flame into the interior parts of the building. You should seek out builders who demonstrate good attention to detail.

You need an efficient and well-organised builder, particularly for more remote sites where access to materials may be limited or require significant time to collect from materials suppliers.

You will engage your builder using a building contract and it is recommended that you visit the Department of Transport and Planning website for information in relation to:

  • building
  • builders
  • quotations
  • contracts, and
  • consumer protection.

You are making a significant investment and should protect your own interests.
