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Landscaping and other site treatments

While the house and any other main structures will require planning and building permits and must be built in accordance with the National Construction Code, general landscaping and other treatments that landholders undertake overtime generally do not need approval.

In areas exposed to bushfire risk, it is important to think about what is put into garden landscaping or near the house to avoid creating a potential risk to your house.

Think about what you put near the house or on your block

  • Position gas bottles preferably away from the main structure in a manner where they can be suitably restrained. Ensure that gas bottles vent away from structures into clear air and do not hinder your main movement or escape routes.
  • Think carefully in the future to ensure that any alterations or new features added to the house do not undermine the investment you have made. For example, the creation of new holes of gaps through walls that can let embers in.
  • Use plants and landscaping that are sensible in fire risk areas – see the CFA landscaping guide
  • Consider what materials you use for landscape features. If possible, use non-combustible materials such as stone, concrete or masonry or more resilient native timbers.
  • Use non-flammable materials in any retaining walls.
  • Consider use of non-flammable materials in waste treatment beds if you need to create them on steeper slopes.
  • Avoid the use of flammable materials up close to the house. For example. treated pine steps can ignite doors.
  • Avoid storing flammable things under houses.
  • Think about how septic tank effluent can be used to sustain a green break around structures.
  • Remember to only use metal pipes and fittings for all water systems above ground. A melted plastic pipe at the bottom of the hill can let all your firefighting water escape and will not comply with CFA requirements.
