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Chapter 1: List of portfolios reporting

This table sets out the departments, ministers, portfolios and program areas that are referenced in this report.

See Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 for portfolios prescribed in Phase 1 and 2 respectively, and Appendix 6 for a more detailed description of each program area's work profile.

Table 1: Ministers, portfolios and responsibilities for the 2021–22 reporting period

Minister Portfolio Responsibilities

The Hon. Ros Spence MP

Minister for Prevention of Family Violence

specialist family violence services

sexual assault services

the Orange Door Network

Risk Assessment and Management Panels

The Hon. Ros Spence MP

Minister for Multicultural

Organisations that provide settlement or targeted
casework services specifically for migrants,
refugees or asylum seekers

The Hon. Jaclyn Symes MLC


Magistrates’ Court of Victoria

Children’s Court of Victoria

Court Network

Dispute Settlement Centre of Victoria

Aboriginal Justice Group funded programs:

  • Koori Women’s Place
  • Ngarra Jarranounith Place

The Hon. Gabrielle Williams MP

Minister for Mental

Mental health

Community-managed mental health

The Hon. Anthony Carbines MP

Minister for Police

Victoria Police

The Hon. Anthony Carbines MP

Minister for Crime

Organisations that provide settlement or targeted
casework services specifically for migrants,
refugees or asylum seekers, including crime

The Hon. Colin Brooks MP

Minister for Child
Protection and Family

Child Protection

Community-based child and family services

(including Child FIRST)

Registered out-of-home care services (including

Secure Welfare Services, care services and

Hurstbridge Farm)

Refugee Minor program

Supported playgroups

The Hon. Colin Brooks MP

Minister for Disability,
Ageing and Carers

Forensic Disability Services

Multiple Complex Needs Initiative

State-funded aged care services

The Hon. Mary-Anne Thomas MP

Minister for Health


Community Health Services

Early Parenting Centres

Bush Nursing Centres

General practitioners

General practice nurses

Maternal and child health

Alcohol and other drugs

The Hon. Mary-Anne Thomas MP Minister for Ambulance
Ambulance Victoria
The Hon. Melissa Horne MP Minister for Consumer
Affairs, Gaming and
Liquor Regulation
Consumer Affairs Victoria-funded programs:
  • Financial Counselling Program
  • Tenancy Assistance and Advocacy Program
The Hon. Sonya Kilkenny MP Minister for Corrections

Adult Parole Board

Community Correctional Services (CCS)

Corrections Victoria

Justice Health

Post Sentence Authority

The Hon. Sonya Kilkenny MP Minister for Youth

Youth Justice

Youth Justice Funded Services

Youth Parole Board

The Hon. Sonya Kilkenny MP Minister for Victim

Victims of Crime Helpline

Victims Assistance Program

The Hon. Danny Pearson MP Minister for Housing

Public housing

Community housing

Homelessness services

The Hon. Ingrid Stitt MLC Minister for Early
Childhood and Pre-Prep

Department of Education

Centre-based early childhood education and

care services

The Hon. Natalie Hutchins MP Minister for Education

Department of Education


Education services
