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Whole of government snapshot 2021–22

Whole of government snapshot 2021-22

  • Download 'Whole of government snapshot 2021-22'
  • 107,456 workers have undertaken training in MARAM and the related information-sharing schemes from inception until 30 June 2022.
  • 43,191 workers received MARAM training in 2021–22.
  • over 15,150 Central Information Point reports have been delivered from commencement in April 2018 until 30 June 2022.
  • over 82,000 risk assessments and safety plans have been undertaken using The Orange Door online systems (Tools For Risk Assessment.
    and Management and Client Relationship Management System) since inception.
  • 4530 Central Information Point reports delivered during 2021–22.
  • The MARAM website has averaged month (Sept 21 to Sept 22) 60,000 page views per month (Sept 21 to Sept 22).
  • 243 organisations responded to the MARAM Annual Survey, representing over 376 workforces.
