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Attorney-General's foreword

The Attorney-General provided the first progress report to Parliament on 30 November 2021.

Twelve months on from when the Royal Commission into the Management of Police Informants delivered its final report to the Government, I am very pleased to provide my first progress report to Parliament.

The Police Informants Royal Commission Implementation Monitor Act requires me to report to Parliament by 30 November each year on implementation progress. Under the legislation, my first progress report must cover the period from 30 November 2020, when the Commission delivered its final report, to 30 June 2021. Recommendations which were given indicative implementation timeframes by the Commission of three or six months fall within this reporting period. I am pleased to report that all recommendations with such implementation timeframes directed to the Government have been delivered. For those recommendations with longer delivery timeframes, I have provided as up-to-date information about implementation progress as possible, looking beyond 30 June 2021 and reporting on work that has been undertaken through to October 2021.

As soon as the Commission delivered its final report, all agencies to which the Commission directed its recommendations began the important work of implementing the Commission’s recommendations and restoring the community’s trust in our legal system. I commend the collaborative approach agencies have taken to this work and the dedication and commitment shown.

In May 2021, the Government released a detailed response to the Commission’s final report, outlining its approach to the implementation task, the governance structure established to coordinate and oversee implementation efforts, and the key deliverables for government. $87.92 million has been allocated to support this work, ensuring agencies are appropriately funded and resourced to implement the Commission’s recommendations.

Since the Commission’s final report, two significant appointments arising from the Commission’s recommendations have been made. Sir David Carruthers has been appointed as the independent Implementation Monitor and I thank Sir David for providing me with his first Implementation Report and assessment of the adequacy of implementation to date. Sir David’s key findings are outlined in my report. In addition, former High Court Judge, the Honourable Geoffrey Nettle AC QC has been appointed as the Special Investigator. Justice Nettle commenced in the role on 19 July 2021 to begin crucial preparatory work before formally commencing investigations into whether criminal or disciplinary charges are warranted in response to the matters uncovered by the Commission.

Three key pieces of legislation have also been developed and introduced into Parliament in the 12 months since the Commission’s final report. The Police Informants Royal Commission Implementation Monitor Act commenced on 15 September and provides Sir David with all the necessary legislative powers required to fulfil his role. The Special Investigator Bill delivers 11 of the Commission’s recommendations and will ensure possible criminal conduct and breaches of discipline related to the use of Nicola Gobbo as a human source are thoroughly investigated. Finally, the Justice Legislation Amendment (Criminal Procedure Disclosure and Other Matters) Bill will strengthen and clarify disclosure obligations in criminal proceedings.

Much work has been done in the past 12 months and more work is underway to deliver all the Commission’s recommendations. I thank all those involved in this important work.

Jaclyn Symes MP
