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Implementation reporting requirements

The Commission emphasised the need for independent monitoring and reporting to support the effective and transparent implementation of its recommendations.

The Commission emphasised the need for independent monitoring and reporting to support the effective and transparent implementation of its recommendations.

To achieve this, the Commission made several recommendations in relation to oversight and reporting on progress and outcomes of implementation. The appointment of an Implementation Monitor to assess the adequacy of implementation of the Commission’s recommendations and report to the Attorney-General on further action required for full delivery is the cornerstone of this oversight and reporting framework.

Sir David Carruthers was appointed to the role of Implementation Monitor in February 2021, and since that time has engaged closely with government and agencies responsible for delivering the Commission’s recommendations.

The Police Informants Royal Commission Implementation Monitor Act came into force on 15 September 2021, and Sir David was subsequently formally appointed to the statutory role of Implementation Monitor.

Under the Police Informants Royal Commission Implementation Monitor Act, the Implementation Monitor is required to report annually to the Attorney-General on the progress of responsible agencies in implementing the Commission’s recommendations, including the Implementation Monitor’s assessment of the adequacy of action taken, and provide advice to the Attorney-General on further measures that may be required to ensure that recommendations are fully implemented.

The Attorney-General is, in turn, required to prepare an annual progress report on the implementation of recommendations, to be tabled in Parliament by 30 November each year. This report is tabled pursuant to that requirement. .
