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Report glossary

Definitions of terms used in the Royal Commission in the Annual Progress Report.



The Royal Commission into the Management of Police Informants.

Counsel Assisting’s submissions

Written submissions by Counsel Assisting the Commission relevant to terms of reference 1 and 2, including details of 124 specific cases that may have been affected by Victoria Police’s use of Ms Gobbo as a human source.


A process in court proceedings where each party is required to give any information that is, or may be considered, relevant to the case. In criminal proceedings the prosecution (including the police) has a duty to disclose all evidence that is relevant to the case against an accused person, even if that evidence might undermine the prosecution’s case or help the accused person’s case. This duty is subject to some exceptions, including information protected by public interest immunity

Human source

A person who covertly gives information to police about a crime or people involved in criminal activity, usually with an expectation that their identity will be kept confidential. A human source is also referred to as a police ‘informer’ or ‘informant’.

Human Source File Auditor

An independent barrister appointed in accordance with recommendation 6 of the Commission’s final report, to review and report to the Attorney-General, Minister for Police and Chief Commissioner of Victoria Police on 11 Victoria Police human source files that are extremely sensitive and were not provided to the Commission.

Implementation Monitor

The Implementation Monitor monitors progress and adequacy of implementation of the Commission’s recommendations by responsible agencies. The Implementation Monitor reports annually to the Attorney-General on progress and adequacy of implementation and provides advice to the Attorney-General regarding what further measures may be taken to ensure that recommendations are implemented in full.

Implementation Taskforce

The administrative taskforce chaired by the Secretary of the Department of Justice and Community Safety and constituted by senior representatives of each Victorian agency responsible for implementation of the Commission’s recommendations.

Inquiries Act

The Inquiries Act 2014 (Vic). The legislation that governs the establishment and conduct of inquiries, including royal commissions, in Victoria.

Justice Legislation Amendment (Criminal Procedure Disclosure and Other Matters) Bill

The Justice Legislation Amendment (Criminal Procedure Disclosure and Other Matters) Bill 2021 amends the Criminal Procedure Act 2009 to deliver recommendations 62, 63 and 66 of the Commission’s final report and the outcomes of the review undertaken to deliver recommendation 67.

Schedule 1 of the Legal Profession Uniform Law Application Act 2014 (Vic). The legislation that governs the practice of law and the regulation of the legal profession in Victoria and New South Wales.

Police Informants Royal Commission Implementation Monitor Act

The Police Informants Royal Commission Implementation Monitor Act 2021 (Vic) establishes the Police Informants Royal Commission Implementation Monitor and provides the functions, powers and duties of the Implementation Monitor.

Potentially affected person

A person, convicted of a criminal offence, whose case the Commission assessed and determined may have been affected by Victoria Police’s use of Ms Gobbo as a human source.

Public interest immunity

A rule of evidence in court proceedings and inquiries. The rule states relevant evidence is not to be disclosed where disclosure would damage the public interest and the need to avoid damage outweighs a person’s right to have all the relevant evidence made available to them.

Responsible or lead agency

An entity responsible for implementing the Commission’s recommendation.

Special Investigator Bill

The Special Investigator Bill 2021 will establish the Office of the Special Investigator to investigate potential criminal conduct and breaches of discipline arising from the use by Victoria Police of Ms Nicola Gobbo as a human source.

Suppression order

An order made by the court to prohibit the publication of particular evidence or information where it is in the interests of justice to do so.
