Metropolitan and regional summaries
Table B1: Proportion of new workers expected by industry across each region in metropolitan Melbourne (2023 and 2026)
Victorian Skills Authority
Eastern metropolitan % Health care and social assistance 23.0 Education and training 19.2 Manufacturing 9.7 Professional, scientific and technical services 8.0 Accommodation and food services 7.8 Construction 5.3 Retail trade 3.9 Wholesale trade 3.9 Public administration and safety 3.7 Transport, postal and warehousing 3.5 Administrative and support services 2.8 Other services 1.9 Rental, hiring and real estate services 1.7 Financial and insurance services 1.6 Arts and recreation services 1.1 Information media and telecommunications 1.0 Agriculture, forestry and fishing 0.9 Electricity, gas, water and waste services 0.9 Mining 0.1 All industries 100.0 Inner metropolitan % Health care and social assistance 16.1 Education and training 12.9 Manufacturing 2.3 Professional, scientific and technical services 21.3 Accommodation and food services 8.2 Construction 2.8 Retail trade 2.1 Wholesale trade 1.3 Public administration and safety 7.5 Transport, postal and warehousing 5.0 Administrative and support services 2.6 Other services 1.4 Rental, hiring and real estate services 1.6 Financial and insurance services 8.3 Arts and recreation services 2.7 Information media and telecommunications 2.3 Agriculture, forestry and fishing 0.1 Electricity, gas, water and waste services 1.3 Mining 0.2 All industries 100.0 Inner south-east metropolitan % Health care and social assistance 26.2 Education and training 17.7 Manufacturing 2.3 Professional, scientific and technical services 15.1 Accommodation and food services 10.9 Construction 3.3 Retail trade 4.6 Wholesale trade 1.5 Public administration and safety 2.8 Transport, postal and warehousing 2.1 Administrative and support services 2.4 Other services 1.8 Rental, hiring and real estate services 3.1 Financial and insurance services 2.8 Arts and recreation services 1.7 Information media and telecommunications 1.2 Agriculture, forestry and fishing 0.1 Electricity, gas, water and waste services 0.3 Mining 0.2 All industries 100.0 Northern metropolitan % Health care and social assistance 25.6 Education and training 13.1 Manufacturing 8.6 Professional, scientific and technical services 5.2 Accommodation and food services 8.2 Construction 6.0 Retail trade 3.4 Wholesale trade 2.4 Public administration and safety 4.4 Transport, postal and warehousing 12.9 Administrative and support services 2.6 Other services 1.9 Rental, hiring and real estate services 1.2 Financial and insurance services 1.0 Arts and recreation services 1.4 Information media and telecommunications 0.8 Agriculture, forestry and fishing 0.5 Electricity, gas, water and waste services 0.6 Mining 0.1 All industries 100.0 Southern metropolitan % Health care and social assistance 25.1 Education and training 11.5 Manufacturing 13.6 Professional, scientific and technical services 5.2 Accommodation and food services 8.3 Construction 7.3 Retail trade 3.8 Wholesale trade 3.5 Public administration and safety 3.5 Transport, postal and warehousing 6.2 Administrative and support services 3.0 Other services 1.8 Rental, hiring and real estate services 1.6 Financial and insurance services 1.0 Arts and recreation services 1.3 Information media and telecommunications 0.6 Agriculture, forestry and fishing 1.2 Electricity, gas, water and waste services 1.2 Mining 0.1 All industries 100.0 Western metropolitan % Health care and social assistance 23.2 Education and training 13.6 Manufacturing 7.6 Professional, scientific and technical services 5.1 Accommodation and food services 8.4 Construction 5.9 Retail trade 3.9 Wholesale trade 2.7 Public administration and safety 5.2 Transport, postal and warehousing 12.9 Administrative and support services 3.0 Other services 2.2 Rental, hiring and real estate services 1.6 Financial and insurance services 1.3 Arts and recreation services 1.3 Information media and telecommunications 0.8 Agriculture, forestry and fishing 0.5 Electricity, gas, water and waste services 0.8 Mining 0.1 All industries 100.0 Source: Victorian Skills Authority
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Table B2: Proportion of new workers expected by occupation across each region in metropolitan Melbourne (2023 and 2026)
Victorian Skills Authority
Occupation Eastern metropolitan % Professionals 35.1 Managers 13.9 Community and personal service worker 14.6 Clerical and administrative workers 11.1 Technicians and traders workers 8.7 Labourers 7.1 Sales workers 3.9 Machinery operators and drivers 5.7 All occupations 100.0 Occupation Inner metropolitan % Professionals 43.7 Managers 9.9 Community and personal service worker 15.1 Clerical and administrative workers 13.1 Technicians and traders workers 6.5 Labourers 5.0 Sales workers 3.0 Machinery operators and drivers 3.7 All occupations 100.0 Occupation Inner south-east metropolitan % Professionals 39.3 Managers 16.0 Community and personal service worker 13.2 Clerical and administrative workers 10.4 Technicians and traders workers 6.8 Labourers 6.0 Sales workers 4.9 Machinery operators and drivers 3.5 All occupations 100.0 Occupation Northern metropolitan % Professionals 30.3 Managers 16.3 Community and personal service worker 13.7 Clerical and administrative workers 10.8 Technicians and traders workers 9.3 Labourers 7.2 Sales workers 3.8 Machinery operators and drivers 8.7 All occupations 100.0 Occupation Southern metropolitan % Professionals 28.4 Managers 15.4 Community and personal service worker 15.1 Clerical and administrative workers 10.5 Technicians and traders workers 10.3 Labourers 8.4 Sales workers 3.8 Machinery operators and drivers 8.1 All occupations 100.0 Occupation Western metropolitan % Professionals 29.3 Managers 15.6 Community and personal service worker 13.8 Clerical and administrative workers 10.9 Technicians and traders workers 8.6 Labourers 7.2 Sales workers 3.7 Machinery operators and drivers 10.9 All occupations 100.0 - Download 'Table B2: Proportion of new workers expected by occupation across each region in metropolitan Melbourne (2023 and 2026)'
Table B3: Proportion of new workers expected by industry across each region in regional Victoria (2023 and 2026)
Victorian Skills Authority
Barwon % Health care and social assistance 31.7 Education and training 11.7 Manufacturing 9.9 Professional, scientific and technical services 7.9 Accommodation and food services 5.4 Construction 5.2 Retail trade 5.2 Wholesale trade 4.7 Public administration and safety 3.5 Transport, postal and warehousing 3.2 Administrative and support services 2.1 Other services 2 Rental, hiring and real estate services 2 Financial and insurance services 1.9 Arts and recreation services 1 Information media and telecommunications 0.9 Agriculture, forestry and fishing 0.8 Electricity, gas, water and waste services 0.7 Mining 0.1 All industries 100 Central Highlands % Health care and social assistance 27.7 Education and training 11.6 Manufacturing 11.4 Professional, scientific and technical services 6.3 Accommodation and food services 8.3 Construction 5.4 Retail trade 4.9 Wholesale trade 4.7 Public administration and safety 4.2 Transport, postal and warehousing 2.9 Administrative and support services 3 Other services 1.8 Rental, hiring and real estate services 1.8 Financial and insurance services 1.3 Arts and recreation services 1.1 Information media and telecommunications 1.8 Agriculture, forestry and fishing 0.8 Electricity, gas, water and waste services 0.6 Mining 0.4 All industries 100 Gippsland % Health care and social assistance 30.1 Education and training 6.9 Manufacturing 11.4 Professional, scientific and technical services 3 Accommodation and food services 6.5 Construction 5.7 Retail trade 4.2 Wholesale trade 4.3 Public administration and safety 4.6 Transport, postal and warehousing 3.8 Administrative and support services 6.7 Other services 1.9 Rental, hiring and real estate services 3 Financial and insurance services 1.4 Arts and recreation services 0.9 Information media and telecommunications 1.3 Agriculture, forestry and fishing 0.3 Electricity, gas, water and waste services 3.3 Mining 0.9 All industries 100 Goulburn % Health care and social assistance 31.7 Education and training 8.5 Manufacturing 13 Professional, scientific and technical services 6.1 Accommodation and food services 7.6 Construction 6.4 Retail trade 3.5 Wholesale trade 2.8 Public administration and safety 4.5 Transport, postal and warehousing 3.1 Administrative and support services 4.9 Other services 1.4 Rental, hiring and real estate services 3 Financial and insurance services 0.7 Arts and recreation services 0.5 Information media and telecommunications 0.7 Agriculture, forestry and fishing 0.2 Electricity, gas, water and waste services 1 Mining 0.3 All industries 100 Great South Coast % Health care and social assistance 25.9 Education and training 7.1 Manufacturing 11.9 Professional, scientific and technical services 2.2 Accommodation and food services 7.3 Construction 4 Retail trade 6.4 Wholesale trade <0.1 Public administration and safety 6 Transport, postal and warehousing 2 Administrative and support services 18.7 Other services 3.1 Rental, hiring and real estate services 1.1 Financial and insurance services 1 Arts and recreation services 0.9 Information media and telecommunications 1 Agriculture, forestry and fishing 0.2 Electricity, gas, water and waste services 1 Mining 0.1 All industries 100 Loddon Campaspe % Health care and social assistance 30.4 Education and training 9.7 Manufacturing 12.8 Professional, scientific and technical services 3.9 Accommodation and food services 8.8 Construction 6 Retail trade 4.3 Wholesale trade 2.5 Public administration and safety 3.7 Transport, postal and warehousing 2.9 Administrative and support services 4.4 Other services 1.5 Rental, hiring and real estate services 2 Financial and insurance services 1.8 Arts and recreation services 1.4 Information media and telecommunications 1.5 Agriculture, forestry and fishing 0.6 Electricity, gas, water and waste services 1 Mining 0.8 All industries 100 Mallee % Health care and social assistance 26.3 Education and training 5.6 Manufacturing 10.4 Professional, scientific and technical services 4.2 Accommodation and food services 6.9 Construction 4.1 Retail trade 4.9 Wholesale trade -0.1 Public administration and safety 6.5 Transport, postal and warehousing 4.3 Administrative and support services 14.8 Other services 3.3 Rental, hiring and real estate services 1.7 Financial and insurance services 1.7 Arts and recreation services 1.8 Information media and telecommunications 1.3 Agriculture, forestry and fishing 0.9 Electricity, gas, water and waste services 1.2 Mining 0.2 All industries 100 Ovens Murray % Health care and social assistance 30 Education and training 8.1 Manufacturing 16.4 Professional, scientific and technical services 4.6 Accommodation and food services 8.7 Construction 5.2 Retail trade 2.9 Wholesale trade 2.4 Public administration and safety 7.9 Transport, postal and warehousing 3.4 Administrative and support services 3.4 Other services 2 Rental, hiring and real estate services 2 Financial and insurance services 0.7 Arts and recreation services 0.4 Information media and telecommunications 0.5 Agriculture, forestry and fishing 0.3 Electricity, gas, water and waste services 0.6 Mining 0.5 All industries 100 Wimmera Southern Mallee % Health care and social assistance 29.9 Education and training 6.1 Manufacturing 12.2 Professional, scientific and technical services 1.2 Accommodation and food services 6.1 Construction 3 Retail trade 4.9 Wholesale trade -2.6 Public administration and safety 6.7 Transport, postal and warehousing 2.9 Administrative and support services 17 Other services 3.6 Rental, hiring and real estate services 0.6 Financial and insurance services 1.4 Arts and recreation services 1.9 Information media and telecommunications 1.8 Agriculture, forestry and fishing 1.1 Electricity, gas, water and waste services 1.4 Mining 0.7 All industries 100 - Download 'Table B3: Proportion of new workers expected by industry across each region in regional Victoria (2023 and 2026)'
Table B4: Proportion of new workers expected by occupation across each region in regional Victoria (2023 and 2026)
Victorian Skills Authority
Occupation Barwon % Professionals 30.3 Managers 17.8 Community and personal service worker 14.5 Clerical and administrative workers 10.8 Technicians and traders workers 9.3 Labourers 8.1 Sales workers 4.9 Machinery operators and drivers 4.2 All occupations 100.0 Occupation Central Highlands % Professionals 29.7 Managers 16.2 Community and personal service worker 15.7 Clerical and administrative workers 10.6 Technicians and traders workers 9.1 Labourers 8.7 Sales workers 5.9 Machinery operators and drivers 4.0 All occupations 100.0 Occupation Gippsland % Professionals 27.0 Managers 17.1 Community and personal service worker 17.9 Clerical and administrative workers 10.5 Technicians and traders workers 8.3 Labourers 9.2 Sales workers 6.5 Machinery operators and drivers 3.6 All occupations 100.0 Occupation Goulburn % Professionals 26.7 Managers 18.5 Community and personal service worker 16.6 Clerical and administrative workers 10.3 Technicians and traders workers 9.0 Labourers 9.8 Sales workers 6.1 Machinery operators and drivers 3.0 All occupations 100.0 Occupation Great South Coast % Professionals 25.4 Managers 14.4 Community and personal service worker 27.0 Clerical and administrative workers 10.1 Technicians and traders workers 5.8 Labourers 8.6 Sales workers 7.2 Machinery operators and drivers 1.4 All occupations 100.0 Occupation Loddon Campaspe % Professionals 29.1 Managers 17.9 Community and personal service worker 16.7 Clerical and administrative workers 10.6 Technicians and traders workers 8.1 Labourers 9.0 Sales workers 5.5 Machinery operators and drivers 3.2 All occupations 100.0 Occupation Mallee % Professionals 24.9 Managers 15.1 Community and personal service worker 21.6 Clerical and administrative workers 10.7 Technicians and traders workers 7.3 Labourers 11.1 Sales workers 7.8 Machinery operators and drivers 1.6 All occupations 100.0 Occupation Ovens Murray % Professionals 25.2 Managers 18.2 Community and personal service worker 17.0 Clerical and administrative workers 10.8 Technicians and traders workers 8.4 Labourers 10.0 Sales workers 7.5 Machinery operators and drivers 3.0 All occupations 100.0 Occupation Wimmera Southern Mallee % Professionals 26.8 Managers 16.4 Community and personal service worker 25.9 Clerical and administrative workers 10.0 Technicians and traders workers 4.9 Labourers 8.6 Sales workers 7.4 Machinery operators and drivers 0.1 All occupations 100.0 - Download 'Table B4: Proportion of new workers expected by occupation across each region in regional Victoria (2023 and 2026)'