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Appendix C: Qualitative evidence on the influences on employment growth by industry

Qualitative evidence

In addition to the influences on employment growth across the whole labour market, there are specific demand and supply factors for each industry, some of which are discussed below. Insights discussed come from the modelling commissioned by the Victorian Skills Authority as well as information from the 10 Industry Advisory Groups (IAGs) who provide critical on-the-ground insights and intelligence for Victorian industries.

This appendix focuses on employment growth forecasts between 2023 and 2026, which is not the same as new workers expected presented throughout the report. This is because employment growth does not include workers retiring over the period.

Employment growth in some industries will grow much faster than the Victorian average of 1.3%, such as health care and social assistance (3.1%) accommodation and food services (3.1%), and education and training (2.5%).

However, some industries are facing a decline in employment, such as agriculture, forestry and fishing (-0.8%), retail trade (-0.6%), other services (-0.2%), and construction (-0.1%).
