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New workers by skill level

Over the next three years, Victoria is expecting 226,000 new workers in occupations with skill levels 1 to 3, which can be categorised as occupations requiring higher-order skills. These workers account for around 64% of new workers expected over the next three years (Figure 2.2). Higher-order skills, which align with qualifications from Certificate III (plus a minimum of two years of on-the-job experience) to a bachelor degree or higher are becoming more important.12 These capture occupations such as doctors, telecommunications technical specialists, plumbers, electricians, and aircraft maintenance engineers.13 Both universities and the TAFE Network will play a key role in delivering the pipeline of workers with higher-order skills.

Figure 2.2: New workers expected in Victoria by skill level (2023 to 2026)

Source: Victorian Skills Authority

  • Download 'Figure 2.2: New workers expected in Victoria by skill level (2023 to 2026)'

Note: new workers expected by skill level are derived based on 4-digit ANZSCO occupation forecasts. For 22 of the 358 4-digit ANZSCO occupations that had more than one skill level, skill levels were assigned based on the predominate skill level of the occupation.


12 Experience may substitute for formal qualification, or in other cases relevant experience may be required in addition to the formal qualification.

13 Higher-order skills are defined using the occupations classified under the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO) which does not contain new and emerging occupations such as data scientists, solar installers, or wind turbine technicians. For further details, see National Skills Commission (2021), Australian Jobs 2021 Emerging Occupations
