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Chapter 2: Victorian Stolen Generations

The report sets out a brief summary of the history of Stolen Generations policies in Victoria from colonisation to 1976.

In June 2021 the Healing Foundation published new research found there are 3,100 Stolen Generations born before 1972 resident in Victoria, the third highest Stolen Generations population nationally.4 Finity Consulting completed research using the same dataset, the 2018-2019 National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey, and found that there are between 1,200 and 5,700, or an average of 4000, Stolen Generations born before 1977 living in Victoria.5 Further information on the Victorian Stolen Generations population estimate will be provided in the Finity Consulting final report for the Steering Committee in late June 2021.

Stolen Generations in Victoria are currently able to access specialised support at Link-Up Victoria, Connecting Home Ltd, Koorie Family History Service – Koorie Heritage Trust, and through thirteen Bringing Them Home Workers currently positioned in various Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations across Victoria.

End notes

4 Healing Foundation, 2 June 2021, Make Healing Happen: It’s Time to Act

5 Finity Consulting Pty Ltd, May 2021, Stolen Generations Reparations: Interim Report for Stolen Generations Reparations Steering Committee - Draft Findings
