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4.6 Application Process

The following recommendations details the application process for Stolen Generations to apply to Reparations.

Recommendation 26

A Stolen Generations consultation participant stated that the most important part of Reparations for them was that the application process be simple and straightforward, so it does not re-traumatise people or require them to remember or talk about their story.

An example application form is provided at Appendix 5 to indicate the trauma informed requirements expected from a Stolen Generations Reparations application form in Victoria. Please note that a very plain language and easy English version and an Auslan version should also be developed.

To ensure a trauma information process, the following components are recommended to include in an application process:

  • It is recommended that the Stolen Generations Reparations Unit provides support for completing applications and that external agencies currently engaged to provide support to Stolen Generations Reparations in Victoria, including those with a lived experience of disability, are funded to support applicants to complete applications to the Reparations package. Further information on the participant estimates and cost modelling for this component of support for applicants to Reparations will be provided in the Finity Consulting final report for the Steering Committee in late June 2021.
  • It recommended that the application process does not require a detailed re-telling of the applicant’s story.
  • It is recommended by the Steering Committee that the application provide an option for the applicant to include a nominee to contact in case of emergencies or death.
  • It is recommended by the Steering Committee that the application process not be accompanied by legal requirements, but that legal advice is offered to applicants during the application process.

The Stolen Generations Reparations survey indicates the following statistics out of 63 participants who identified as Stolen Generations:

  • 30 participants stated that they would prefer to complete a simple application
  • 29 participants stated they would prefer to complete an application with a support worker, support workers were further specified by four participants as Ngarra Jarra Noun (2), Aboriginal Co-Operative worker (1) or family member (1).
  • 26 participants stated that they would prefer to complete an application with Reparations staff for assistance.
  • 9 participants stated they would like to complete a detailed application form, with one further specifying they would like to tell their story on the form.
