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Summary of Recommendations

The Steering Committee made 56 recommendations across two parts. Part One for the design of the Package and Part Two to enhance service provision and policy responses.

Please be advised that the following recommendations are to be considered and implemented based on the contextual information provided in the full scope of this report.

Part 1 - Stolen Generations Reparations Package and operational framework

Stolen Generations Reparations Package (Chapter 3)

Recommendation 1

The Steering Committee recommends that the reparations process be known as ‘Stolen Generations Reparations’ and ‘the Stolen Generations Reparations package’.

Recommendation 2

The Steering Committee recommends that a Stolen Generations Reparations package be provided to eligible Stolen Generations removed in Victoria and that the package include a financial reparations payment, a funeral fund payment, an apology, post reunion support, a copy of personal records and the opportunity to record their story.

Recommendation 3

The Steering Committee recommends that the Stolen Generations Reparations package be made available to living Stolen Generations based on the principle of separation from family in Victoria. It is recommended that the principle of eligibility for the Victorian Stolen Generations Reparations package is inclusive and considers both the state policy and wider societal practice of assimilation and separation of Aboriginal children from family, community, Culture, and Country.

Recommendation 4

The Steering Committee recommends that the Stolen Generations Reparations package provide $100,000 in individual reparations payments to eligible Victorian Stolen Generations.

Recommendation 5

The Steering Committee recommends that the financial reparations payment provided in the Stolen Generations Reparation package does not impact on social security allowance, taxation, the National Disability Insurance Service or any aged care or public housing income assessments.

Recommendation 6

The Steering Committee recommends that the Stolen Generations Interim Funeral Fund model be extended within the Stolen Generations Reparations package to become an ongoing Funeral Fund accessible to eligible applicants.

Recommendation 7

The Steering Committee recommends that a fund be established to cover the costs of a plaque for unmarked graves, exhumation, repatriation, and burial on Country for family of deceased Stolen Generations persons removed in Victoria.

Recommendation 8

The Steering Committee recommends that Stolen Generations receive a personal Victorian Government apology as part of the Reparations package.

Recommendation 9

The Steering Committee recommends that Victoria Police make a formal apology for their role in the separation of Stolen Generations children.

Recommendation 10

The Steering Committee recommends that all current Victorian Stolen Generations services be enhanced to support Stolen Generations eligible for the Stolen Generations Reparations package through post reunion programs.

Recommendation 11

The Steering Committee recommends that eligible applicants to the Stolen Generations Reparations package are provided with a copy of their personal records if requested.

Stolen Generations Reparations Operational Framework (Chapter 4)

Recommendation 12

The Steering Committee recommends that the Reparations process provides a fully supported, accessible, transparent and trauma informed service.

Recommendation 13

The Steering Committee recommends that terminally or critically ill Stolen Generations applicants are provided with an interim payment of $20,000 upon application.

Recommendation 14

The Steering Committee recommends that a Stolen Generations Advisory Committee be established to provide advice on the implementation and operation of Stolen Generations Reparations. It is recommended that members of the Stolen Generations Advisory Committee are determined by the Stolen Generations community.

Recommendation 15

The Steering Committee recommends that an evaluation of the Stolen Generations Reparations package be implemented after one year of operation to ensure that the process is supporting Stolen Generations according to the guidelines recommended in this report.

Recommendation 16

The Steering Committee recommends that this report be made publicly available so as transparency between the Victorian Government and Stolen Generations in Victoria is maintained.

Recommendation 17

The Steering Committee recommends that the Department that administers Stolen Generations Reparations have quality experience in providing monetary compensation packages, have high standards of engagement and providing culturally appropriate, trauma informed services to Aboriginal people in Victoria.

Recommendation 18

The Steering Committee recommends that administrative guidelines are developed to oversee the operational function of the Stolen Generations Reparations package.

Recommendation 19

The Steering Committee recommends that the cost of administration come from an external budget to ensure the Stolen Generations Reparations package is able to provide recognition worthy of the Stolen Generations experience.

Recommendation 20

The Steering Committee recommends that the Stolen Generations Reparations package be open to applications for 5 years to ensure that there is a lengthy window for applications.

Recommendation 21

The Steering Committee recommends that to be eligible for the Stolen Generations Reparations package the applicant must have been removed prior to 31 December 1976.

Recommendation 22

The Steering Committee recommends that to be eligible for Reparations in Victoria the first act of removal must have occurred in Victoria by a Government or non-government agency.

Recommendation 23

The Steering Committee recommends that Victorian Stolen Generations who are incarcerated should be eligible for Stolen Generations Reparations, however it is recommended that applicants who have committed an indictable or serious offence against another person should have their application reviewed by an independent assessment process.

Recommendation 24

The Steering Committee recommends that eligible applicants to the Reparations package must have been separated from family for a period of time that resulted in the experience of loss of family, community, Culture, identity and language.

Recommendation 25

The Steering Committee recommends that the publicising and promotion of the Stolen Generations Reparations is age appropriate and broad reaching. It is recommended that any promotions be developed using straightforward language, imagery and accessible video promotion.

Recommendation 26

The Steering Committee recommends that the application process be simple and accessible to all and able to be completed in writing, transcribed orally or through an interpreter, translation, carer or support service.

Recommendation 27

The Steering Committee recommends that processes are developed to ensure the onus is on the Departmental Stolen Generations Reparations Unit to locate evidence to assess applications.

Recommendation 28

It is recommended that all assessments be prioritised based on age and health of applicants and that assessments are generally streamlined to ensure expedient outcomes for all applicants.

Recommendation 29

The Steering Committee recommends that an independent assessment panel of six people, including a Stolen Generations position as chair, be established to assess and review appealed Stolen Generations Reparations claims.

Recommendation 30

The Steering Committee recommends that any previous payment received by an applicant for abuse due to separation from family, such as civil litigation payment or National Redress Scheme payment, not impact on eligbility for and the amount received from the Stolen Generations Reparations package.

Recommendation 31

The Steering Committee recommends that if an eligible applicant passes away during the Reparations assessment process the financial Reparations are paid into their estate.

Recommendation 32

The Steering Committee recommends that all applicants found ineligible have the right to appeal the decision and are informed of the support in place to assist if required and of the process for how to appeal.

Recommendation 33

The Steering Committee recommends that applicants to the Stolen Generations Reparations package are able to access free legal support, financial counselling, trauma informed counselling, disability advocacy, and support workers for those with a lived experience of disability to support them through the Reparations process. This also applies to those who are incarcerated or under guardianship.

Recommendation 34

The Steering Committee recommends that a high-quality referral process is developed to ensure that applicants are receiving wrap-around support during and after the Reparations process.

Part 2 - Stolen Generations Reparations Package enhanced service provision and policy responses

Stolen Generations Reparations Enhanced Service Provision and Policy Responses (Chapter 5)

Recommendation 35

The Steering Committee recommends that the full scope of Reparations be completed as recommended in the Bringing Them Home Report and that this be reflected further then the Stolen Generations Reparations package in enhanced service provisions and policy changes.

Recommendation 36

The Steering Committee recommends that all service provisions be improved, in regional and urban areas, through the development of Victorian Stolen Generations training packages and accredited frameworks.

Recommendation 37

The Steering Committee recommends that markers to acknowledge and commemorate the Stolen Generations experience are established by the Victorian Government, all Local Government Authorities, all Aboriginal Co-operatives and service providers, and by Victoria Police.

Recommendation 38

The Steering Committee recommends that the Common Access Guidelines developed by the Koorie Records Taskforce be reviewed, restored and implemented across all government and non-government agencies that hold personal records about Stolen Generations, including those interstate.

Recommendation 39

The Steering Committee recommends that an Aboriginal Victoria records repository is established to hold relevant Aboriginal historical and cultural records. It is further recommended that the repository has the capacity to hold personal records at the request of individuals.

Recommendation 40

The Steering Committee recommends that avenues for Stolen Generations stories to be recorded be provided as part of a holistic Stolen Generations Reparations response.

Recommendation 41

The Steering Committee recommends that specialised and long-term access to all health care, including mental health, specialist appointments and cultural healing modalities, be provided to Stolen Generations and descendants.

Recommendation 42

The Steering Committee recommend that Stolen Generations health and mental health training and accreditation be developed and made mandatory for health and mental health care professionals to ensure that they are able to understand and respond appropriately to Stolen Generations clients and descendants.

Recommendation 43

The Steering Committee recommends that tailored aged care packages need to be developed for Stolen Generations.

Recommendation 44

The Steering Committee recommends that a comprehensive Victorian aged care Stolen Generations education and training package be developed to ensure that Victorian Stolen Generations receive trauma informed and Stolen Generations specific age care services within an accreditated framework.

Recommendation 45

The Steering Committee recommends that priority housing be made available to Stolen Generations.

Recommendation 46

The Steering Committee recommends that the State continues to engage with the First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria to ensure Victoria’s treaty process incorporates the aspirations and voices of Victorian Stolen Generations, including those with a lived experience of disability.

Recommendation 47

The Steering Committee recommends that the Yoo-rrook Justice Commission convene a statewide meeting with Victorian Stolen Generations and Stolen Generations support services.

Recommendation 48

The Steering Committee recommends that the Yoo-rrook Justice Commission and the Victorian First Peoples Assembly advocate for and support the implementation of the recommendations made in this report.

Recommendation 49

The Steering Committee recommends that the Victorian State Disability Plan is reviewed and strengthened to ensure that the unmet needs of Stolen Generations with a lived experience of disability are identified and resulting outcomes are incorporated and implemented within the state plan.

Recommendation 50

It is recommended that Victoria Police introduce training into the Police Academy that includes the truth about their role removing Aboriginal children and the impacts of this on Aboriginal Victoria today.

Recommendation 51

The Steering Committee recommends that the Victorian Aboriginal Justice Agreement is reviewed and strengthened to ensure that outcomes are implemented to support the needs of Stolen Generations within the justice system, including those with a lived experience of disability.

Recommendation 52

The Steering Committee recommends that Stolen Generations who have had their child protection record/s removed from Victoria Police files are formally notified that this has occurred.

Recommendation 53

The Steering Committee recommends that a statewide intergenerational healing response be developed for children and grandchildren of Stolen Generations to ensure specialised community led trauma healing programs, healing centres and healing events on Country are enabled.

Recommendation 54

The Steering Committee recommends that the Bringing Them Home worker program be reviewed in Victoria to improve outcomes for Stolen Generations.

Recommendation 55

The Steering Committee recommends child protection policies and the current number of Aboriginal children entering state care today be urgently addressed.

Recommendation 56

The Steering Committee recommend that the Healing Foundation Education modules are made compulsory in primary and secondary education curriculum in Victoria.
