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Case study: Clean economy training needs for advanced manufacturing in Geelong

Training for the clean economy – the Victorian TAFE Network prospectus 2024

The Gordon, in partnership with industry and academia, is delivering a suite of projects to identify the future clean economy training needs of the advanced manufacturing industry.

About the initiative

Identifying the training and skills required for the clean economy is essential to support the industry and to facilitate a seamless workforce transition.

The Gordon has secured a Victorian Government grant to deliver a suite of projects to identify future training needs, skills and opportunities for the education sector to help train and prepare the advanced manufacturing workforce in the Geelong region for the clean economy transition.

The project will deliver:

  • a clean economy advanced manufacturing training needs analysis
  • a teacher-industry immersion program
  • the Clean Economy Advanced Manufacturing Graduate Pilot Program
  • a work readiness program to help prepare TAFE graduates for work in the clean economy advanced manufacturing space.

The project partnership includes The Gordon, Geelong Manufacturing Council, City of Greater Geelong, Skilling the Bay and Geelong Tech School.

Outcomes and next steps

The collaboration with the advanced manufacturing industry in this initiative has revealed the necessary skills for graduates and helped shape recommendations for the upcoming training phase to match industry requirements and employment trends.

The program commenced in 2022 and is expected to be completed in June 2024.

In the future, The Gordon aims to focus on:

  • implementing the identified clean economy training required to meet the needs of the advanced manufacturing sector
  • investigating how to implement the program more permanently if the Clean Economy Advanced Manufacturing Graduate Pilot Program is a success.
