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Case study: Training partnership to upskill a zero-emission vehicle workforce

Training for the clean economy – the Victorian TAFE Network prospectus 2024

The Gordon in partnership with industry is providing training in electric vehicles (EVs) and hybrid vehicles (PHEVs) to upskill their employees.

About the initiative

The rapid adoption of hybrid, electric and hydrogen/fuel cell vehicle technologies in Australia is exerting pressure on the skills capacity of the automotive workforce. The servicing and repair of ZEVs require new diagnostics, coding and electrical skills.

Industry recognised the urgency to upskill its workforces and subsequently reached out to The Gordon in February 2022 to enhance the skills of their employees in hybrid and battery electric vehicle (EV) training. Later that year, The Gordon commenced delivery of Certificate IV in Automotive Mechanical Diagnosis (accredited training AUR40216). This course can be completed by those who already have a Certificate III in an automotive qualification.

The Gordon has collaborated closely with the industry to curate and offer a comprehensive range of elective units within the accredited program. This collaborative approach ensures that participants not only attain industry-recognised certification, but also receive specialised training tailored to the specific needs of their respective companies.

Outcomes and next steps

The Gordon has been delivering Certificate IV in Automotive Mechanical Diagnosis at its East Geelong campus since May 2022. So far, 44 industry employees have successfully completed this training and advanced their skills and expertise in ZEVs.

Upon completing the training, the automotive technicians have been given additional responsibilities in their current job roles.

The comprehensive training has also notably enhanced their proficiency in various safety practices, broadening the scope of areas where they can work confidently.

Additionally, better skilled technicians provide greater confidence to current and future customers considering ZEVs. The training provided is transferrable across all ZEV systems now and into the future, which reduces the costs of retraining for the industry.
