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Case study: Sustainable building design project

Training for the clean economy – the Victorian TAFE Network prospectus 2024

RMIT Centre of Vocational Education (CoVE) is currently developing 3 new skill sets around sustainable building design in partnership with industry and employer networks.

About the initiative

The construction industry is one of the major contributors to carbon emissions and waste globally. Therefore, new qualifications in the area are highly relevant, tackling various aspects of cleaner construction (e.g. building design, material reuse).

As part of the Clean Economy Workforce Capability Building Fund, the CoVE is developing 3 new skill sets that can be delivered as standalone skill sets or combined to form a stackable Certificate IV qualification in Sustainable Building Design.

Industry has been heavily involved in the development of the skill sets through consultation and co-design. Other key stakeholders in the partnership include employer networks and the Melbourne Chamber of Commerce.

The resulting skill sets aim to be highly accessible, as they can be undertaken by current students, upskilling employees, and construction project managers to complement broader qualifications.

Outcomes and next steps

The program will generate 3 skill sets in partnership with industry and employer networks, which complement existing programs. They will also be proposed as a standalone certificate program to create a formal qualification. These will be available on the Melbourne city campus by 2024.

The course development program will focus on the following key steps:

  • Delivering a pilot program to 2 cohorts per skill set to test and refine the product scope and delivery model
  • Pursuing accreditation and funding for a related skill sets and proposed Certificate IV program.
