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Enable learners and workers to make informed skills and career choices

Promoting post-secondary education skills and career pathways

Action 2: Enable learners and workers to make informed skilling and career choices

Skills and Jobs Centres

Located statewide, Skills and Jobs Centres (SJCs) use the intelligence gathered through the dashboard – as well as the skills plan, Victorian Skills Gateway and Regional Skills Demand Profiles – to help learners understand the breadth and benefits of post-secondary education and training pathways and career options, and to advise employers on how they can link up with new graduates and up-skill their existing workers. In 2022, SJCs supported 20,515 Victorians by providing independent career advice, job-readiness support and referrals to training providers and other government initiatives and services.

Victorian Skills Gateway

The Victorian Skills Gateway provides information on more than 500 funded Victorian vocational educating and training (VET) courses. Following the release of the Victorian Skills Plan 2022, the gateway was refreshed to provide easy-to-read descriptions for the 160 most-viewed courses, as well as more accessible information about skills, jobs and vocational education pathways. Since then, the gateway has recorded more than half a million visits, which is a 76% increase from the previous year.

Regional Skills Demand Profiles

In partnership with Regional Development Victoria, the Victorian Skills Authority (VSA) published seven Regional Skills Demand Profiles in 2023, which provide another rich source of information that education and training providers, industry, learners, workers and career advisors can use to identify place-based workforce skills needs and insights on key industries and regions. The profiles give current and prospective learners practical information about training, skills and jobs in demand in Victoria, and provide localised information and job forecasts for each region.

Industry Advisory Groups

Through 10 Industry Advisory Groups (IAGs), the VSA works closely with industry representatives to identify opportunities available for learners and workers in terms of jobs and long-term careers. Expert advice from the IAGs feed into the Funded Course List to ensure it continues to meet industry needs, as well as other initiatives that help industry access the skilled workforce it requires.

Career education

The Department of Education is transforming career education in schools so students can make informed choices for secondary school and beyond. This includes supporting students into high quality work-based learning opportunities and strengthening industry engagement to provide 10,000 work experience placements in clean energy and priority industries.

Additionally, all Year 9 students in government schools have access to My Career Insights which provides access to Morrisby, a world-leading online career diagnostic tool. My Career Portfolio supports students to develop career action plans and increased funding to upskill career practitioners with a post-graduate qualification means an increasing number of students will have access to a contemporary and qualified careers workforce at their local school.
