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Build skills to support Victoria's clean economy intentions

Delivering the right skills for the jobs of today and tomorrow

Action 6: Build skills to support Victoria's clean economy intentions

The government has publicly committed to decarbonising the economy and achieving net zero emissions by 2045.2

Clean Economy Workforce Development Strategy

Following the release of the Victorian Skills Plan 2022, the government released the Clean Economy Workforce Development Strategy 2023–2033(opens in a new window) to meet the workforce training needs for the clean economy transition. The strategy is a 10-year framework that informs government planning and investment in the workforce development that Victoria will need to support its goal of reaching net zero emissions. The priorities identified in the strategy include developing a new skilling approach that supports the development of transferable and technical skills required by the clean economy sector, such as the co-development of education and training (among industry, supply chains and education providers) to support the sector. The implementation plan for the strategy is now under development.

The Office of TAFE Coordination and Delivery is undertaking a comprehensive review of the current and potential training contributions that the Victorian TAFE Network can make in the transition to the clean economy. The outcomes of the review will support the realisation of Victoria’s clean economy vision. It is also working with the Victorian TAFE Network to strengthen approaches to addressing skill and training gaps in emerging fields related to the clean economy.

State Electricity Commission

The Victorian Government is bringing back the State Electricity Commission (SEC) – driving down power bills and creating thousands of jobs in renewable energy.

The SEC Energy Jobs and Skills Forum was held on 29 June 2023 with more than 300 participants including Traditional Owner Groups, employers, Victorian TAFE Network providers, universities, technical schools, training providers and peak bodies. The data and insights gathered through the forum are key inputs to the Victorian Energy Jobs Plan (currently in development) and the business case for the new SEC Centre of Training Excellence.


2 Department of Environment, Energy and Climate Action (2023) Climate action targets(opens in a new window), 23 May 2023.
