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Lifting participation in education and training

Action 4: Build foundation skills to enhance workforce participation

Initiative 4.1

Develop partnerships to provide 'back to work' courses.

✔ Scheduled 2023

Initiative 4.2

Implement training framework for foundation skills.

✔ Scheduled 2023

Initiative 4.3

Continue development of place-based relationships.

✔ Scheduled 2023

Initiative 4.4

Partnerships with Learn Local sector to increase job security and career options.

✔ Scheduled 2023

Action 5: Bridge the gender gap

Initiative 5.1

Conduct annual Gender Impact Assessment of the skills plan.

✔ Scheduled 2023

Initiative 5.2

Monitor the education and employment outcomes of women who enrol in training.

✔ Scheduled 2023

Initiative 5.3

Identify barriers to participation for women with diverse backgrounds across industries.

✔ Scheduled 2024

Initiative 5.4

Partner with local agencies to identify localised barriers to training.

✔ Scheduled 2023

Initiative 5.5

Work towards reducing gender segregation across industries.

✔ Scheduled 2023
