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Waste to energy

A framework for sustainable and appropriate investment

A framework for sustainable and appropriate investment

Waste to energy involves generating energy from waste materials. After waste avoidance, reuse, and recycling, waste to energy is the final opportunity to get value from material that would otherwise go to landfill.

The Victorian Waste to Energy Framework (the Framework) recognises the role of waste to energy to divert waste from landfill.

The Framework places a one million tonne cap on the amount of waste that can be heat treated to make energy and outlines how the cap is to work.

The cap is designed to prevent over-reliance on thermal waste to energy. Over-reliance has the potential to undermine efforts to decrease waste generation and increase recycling in the long term.

The proposed cap is designed to strike the right balance between support for sustainable and appropriate industry investment to develop new technologies, and a focus on waste avoidance and recycling in Victoria's transition to a circular economy.

The Framework supports sustainable and appropriate industry investment to develop new technologies.

The Victorian Government supports waste to energy technologies where they:

  • meet best-practice environment protection
  • reduce the amount of waste sent to landfill
  • reduce greenhouse gas emissions
  • meet best-practice energy efficiency
  • create jobs and economic development

Waste to energy licensing will be overseen and delivered by Recycling Victoria. However, to operate a thermal waste to energy facility you will also need permits and licences under the planning and environment protection laws within Victoria.

All existing operators of thermal waste to energy facilities can now apply for a waste to energy licence. To qualify as an existing operator, the facility must have obtained an environment protection operating licence and/or appropriate planning approvals on or before 1 November 2021.

Please visit the Waste to Energy Scheme for more information on waste to energy licence applications.

The Victorian Government is consulting on proposed regulations to enable cap licences for new and expanded thermal waste to energy facilities. To have your say on the proposed regulations and the associated Regulatory Impact Statement, please visit

The cap on waste to energy is part of our circular economy policy Recycling Victoria: A new economy.

For more information download the following:

Victorian waste to energy framework
PDF 3.04 MB
(opens in a new window)
Victorian waste to energy framework - accessible
Word 1000.34 KB
(opens in a new window)

Frequently asked questions
