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SAMS2 – Service Agreement

SAMS2 Service Agreement including recordkeeping, service plan, subcontracting/outsourcing, work experience and insurance for 2025 ACFE Board Pre-accredited Training Programs

The Department of Families, Fairness and Housing (DFFH) manages the Service Agreement Management System (SAMS2) on behalf of the Victorian Government.

Learn Local providers offered a pre-accredited training delivery grant enter into a Service Agreement in SAMS2.

The Service Agreement:

  • Defines the general terms and conditions on which it is made. For more information, see: Terms and Conditions of the Service Agreement.
  • Establishes the principles guiding the relationship between the ACFE Board and the provider.
  • Obtains the provider’s commitment to support government policies affecting adult, community and further education to Victorians.

More information about the Service Agreement is available on the DFFH SAMS2 Funded Agency Channel (FAC).


Section 6 of the Service Agreement details the requirements for Organisations to keep full and accurate records for all services delivered under the Agreement.

Service Plan

Service Plans listed in Schedule 2 of the Service Agreement, group together like service activities specific to a program area and identify the department/region/division/group providing funding. Service Plans are negotiated annually on behalf of the ACFE Board.

The Service Plan is based on the approved Delivery Plan. Providers proposing to vary their contracted Delivery Plans must obtain prior approval from the department before making any changes and commencing delivery.

A variation to the Delivery Plan that includes changes to training delivery program stream and payments, can only be requested during a formal variation window. Advice on variation windows will be provided during the year.

Where a variation to a provider’s Delivery Plan is approved, should the variation include a change in total student contact hours by program stream, a Variation to the Agreement will be made through SAMS2.

Please ensure that the approved financial delegate of your organisation approves any variation prior to submitting a request, via email to


As per ACFE Board procurement policy, Learn Local providers who are contracted to deliver training must not outsource this training to another organisation.

The department may identify or have brought to its attention by a Learn Local provider, a local pre-accredited training need that cannot be serviced by a contracted Learn Local provider. In these circumstances, the department will determine options for the ACFE Board’s consideration.

Alternative delivery arrangements or models will be offered to learners to meet provision needs.

Work experience

The ACFE Board’s work experience guidelines were developed to provide guidance for a group of pre-accredited students under supervision of a Learn Local trainer/teacher undertaking observational work experience.

Please note the ACFE Memo from 4 June 2024 regarding updated advice on work experience. Access the Pre-accredited work experience Memo through the Learn Local sector hub, located on your Dashboard in the Learn Local secure portal.

It is recommended that Learn Locals pause undertaking pre-accredited work experience and workplace-based training activities held at an external workplace until further advice is provided.

Please contact your regional office if you have any questions.


Under the Terms and Conditions of the Service Agreement, contracted providers who deliver pre-accredited training must ensure they have appropriate insurance coverage for their operation and business risks with one or more of the following:

  1. the Victorian Managed Insurance Authority or, if the Organisation is a Council, Liability Mutual Insurance
  2. an insurer authorised under the Insurance Act 1973 (Commonwealth)
  3. An insurer approved in writing by the Authority.

Contracted providers must:

  1. Provide the Authority with proof of the Organisation's insurance cover on request.
  2. Maintain appropriate insurance coverage for the Term, and, if those policies are underwritten on a 'claims made' basis, for no less than seven years after the completion of the Services.
  3. Undertake periodic reviews to make sure the Organisation's operational and business risks are adequately insured, particularly in regard to public and products liability and professional indemnity risks.
