Education – Schools and related system and statutory bodies
Prescribed organisation/ service |
Description of information sharing entity |
Government schools |
Non-government schools (independent and Catholic) |
Catholic and independent Catholic system bodies and canonical administrators that assist, manage or govern Catholic schools in Victoria, where these bodies provide support or services to Catholic schools relating to:
Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority |
Victorian Institute of Teaching |
Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority |
Education – Early childhood education and care
Prescribed organisation/ service | Description of information sharing entity |
Kindergarten services Long day care services Before and after school hours care services Approved providers of the above services (where the provider performs child-related functions in relation to the day to day organisation, management and administration of the service) |
Education – Child wellbeing and safety programs delivered or funded by the Department of Education
Prescribed organisation/ service | Description of information sharing entity |
Child Link Department of Education (Child Link) is a Restricted Information Sharing Entity that can:
As a Restricted Information Sharing Entity, the Department of Education cannot disclose information under the Child Information Sharing Scheme. |
Doctors in Schools Program |
Education Justice Initiative, including:
Enhancing Mental Health Support in Schools Program Regional Telephone Counselling Service |
Health, Wellbeing and Specialist Services Nurses Student Support Services (SSS) Visiting teachers |
Koorie education and engagement, including:
LOOKOUT Program for schools and early childhood |
National Student Wellbeing Program management Note: Chaplaincy and student wellbeing services are engaged by schools and fall under the prescription of government and non-government schools |
Navigator Program Project REAL Side by Side Program |
Quality Assessment and Regulation Division |
Royal Children’s Hospital Education Institute |
Access to Early Learning Program School-Focussed Youth Services The Geelong Project |
Security and Emergency Management Division |
Statewide Vision Resource Centre |
Prescribed organisation/ service | Description of information sharing entity |
Alcohol and other drugs services |
Ambulance Victoria |
Bush nursing centres |
Community health centres |
Community-managed and designated mental health services |
General Practitioners |
General Practice Nurses |
Integrated health and aged care services |
Maternal and Child Health services |
Public hospitals Denominational hospitals Public health service, e.g. Austin Health and Eastern Health Early parenting centres |
Health - Aged Care
Prescribed organisation/service | Description of information sharing entity |
Integrated health and aged care services |
State-funded aged care services |
Families, fairness and housing – Disability
Prescribed organisation / service | Description of information sharing entity |
Disability Services Commissioner |
Forensic Disability |
Multiple and Complex Needs Initiative |
Victorian Disability Worker Commission Disability Worker Registration Board of Victoria |
Families, fairness and housing – Accommodation and homelessness support
Prescribed organisation / service | Description of information sharing entity |
Community housing organisations |
DFFH Housing |
State-funded homelessness services |
Tenancy Plus Program |
Families, fairness and housing – Human services
Prescribed organisation / service | Description of information sharing entity |
Child Protection Hurstbridge Farm Secure welfare services |
Community-based child and family services |
Out of home care services (care services) |
Refugee Minor Program |
Risk Assessment and Management Panels (including those services that would not otherwise be prescribed but only when participating in a RAMP) |
Settlement or casework services for migrants, refugees or asylum seekers |
Sexual assault services |
Sexually abusive behaviour treatment services |
Specialist family violence services (including refugees, Men’s Behaviour Change Programs, family violence counselling and therapeutic programs) |
Supported playgroups |
The Orange Door Network |
Prescribed organisation/ service | Description of information sharing entity |
Children’s Court of Victoria |
Justice Health (prescribed under CISS in regards to programs for children and young people under 18 years) |
Justice Health’s funded or contracted Youth Health and Rehabilitation Service (YHaRS) Rehabilitation Programs provided to children and young people |
Magistrates’ Court of Victoria |
Multi-Agency Panel to Prevent Youth Offending |
Perpetrator intervention services, including trials |
Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages |
Secretariat to the Youth Parole Board |
Victims Assistance Programs |
Victims of Crime Helpline |
Victoria Police |
Youth Justice |
Youth Justice-funded community support services or programs |
Prescribed organisation / service | Description of information sharing entity |
Commission for Children and Young People |
The organisations prescribed under the Child Information Sharing Scheme are broadly consistent with the organisations prescribed under the Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme.
For more information on the obligations under the Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme and MARAM Framework, and guidance about prescribed entities, see