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Contact details for the Department of Education

We welcome both positive and negative feedback as it helps us to improve our services and reach our goal of providing the best learning and development experiences for Victorians.

Contact Us

Parents, carers, and community members

Phone: 1800 338 663

Online form:

Contact us via our online form

Our online form can help connect you to the right area of the department.

While we prefer receiving enquiries via our online form, you can also contact us via email:

Postal address: regional office locations.

Make a complaint or offer feedback

Guidance on how you can raise a complaint or offer feedback, and learn about the our complaints resolution process.

Report religious or racial discrimination and abuse in schools

Information on how to report religious or racial discrimination in the school community.

Report fraud or corruption

If you have any knowledge or reason to believe an employee, contractor, or service provider has been involved in fraudulent or corrupt conduct, we encourage you to report fraud or corruption.

Report abuse

If you have experienced any form of abuse as a student at a Victorian government school, we encourage you to report the abuse so that we can support you and take appropriate action.

Make a freedom of information request

Find out how you can apply to access your personal records that are held by the department by submitting a request under the Freedom of Information Act (FOI).

School and corporate HR queries

There are a variety of ways to contact HR for different concerns and different staff.

Contact HR

Service and division contact list for specific questions

Telephone hotlines and switchboards

Dedicated phone numbers to reach support hotlines and department switchboards that will direct you to divisions, teams, or specific people.
Division or teamPhone
The department's main switchboard
If you know the name of the person you want to contact, you can be connected through to the department's main switchboard.
(03) 9637 2000
Phone counselling service for parents and carers of children and teens. Available 8 am to midnight, 7 days a week, including public holidays.
13 22 89
Report Racism Line
If you are not comfortable reporting an incident to your school, or you are not happy with their response you can speak to our Report Racism Line. Available 9 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays.
1800 722 476
TAFE and Training Line
Get information about TAFE and training courses, training providers and Learn Locals. Available 8:30 am to 4.30 pm, Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays.
131 823

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Help us improve the website by reporting a problem or suggesting an improvement we can make. Provide your feedback using the website's 'Was this page helpful?' form.
