We welcome feedback from students, families and members of the community as it helps us know what we are doing well and what we can improve.
Feedback includes compliments, complaints, and suggestions about how we can improve in the future.
How we respond to complaints
If you have a concern about your child's education or department services, we will:
- outline the process for dealing with your complaint
- provide you with any reasonable support to lodge your complaint
- treat you respectfully
- act impartially and objectively
- maintain confidentiality and privacy as required
- provide an indicative time for addressing your issue
- keep you informed of the progress of our inquiries
- when extended time is required provide reasons for our decision
- inform you of your rights of internal or external review.
How to provide feedback or make a complaint
We run a large range of services across Victoria. Your feedback is best handled by staff who work in the relevant area.
Early childhood education and care services
Complaint about child care or early childhood education services
If you are concerned about your child's education, care or licensed children's service, you should raise your concerns with the service first. If your complaint cannot be resolved by the service, you should then raise it with the department.
Refer to: Make a complaint about child care or children's services.
Complaint about staff from the department's Quality and Regulation Division
You can make a complaint about a Quality and Regulation Division (QARD) staff member or your satisfaction with the action taken by QARD.
Refer to: Make a complaint about Early Childhood Services (ECS).
Victorian government schools
Feedback about government schools or school staff
You can provide feedback to compliment the education system, school and staff or provide suggestions to assist with continuous improvement of schools.
Refer to: Provide feedback about government schools or school staff.
Complaint about government schools or school staff
Complaints start with raising the issue with the school and trying to find a resolution. If you need more support, first raise your complaint with your local department office. If you need further support, then raise your complaint with the department's central office.
- Refer to: Raise a complaint or concern about your school. There, you will also find a link to the Parents Complaints policy for Victorian government schools.
- Complex complaints may need to be resolved by the Independent Office for School Dispute Resolution.
Complaint about the Victorian school curriculum and examinations
The Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) will respond to complaints about the:
- school curriculum
- examinations
Refer to: Complaints handling policy and procedure.
Complaint and regulation of student exchange programs
The Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA) investigates complaints against student exchange organisations.
Refer to: VRQA complaints.
Report racism or religious discrimination
Everyone in our school community deserves to be respected, valued and treated equally. Discrimination or abuse based on religion or race is not tolerated in our school communities.
If your child has been the target of, or has witnessed, religious or racial discrimination or abuse, report it to your school. They will make sure appropriate action and support is provided.
Refer to: Report racism or religious discrimination in schools.
Report sexual abuse if you’re a current or former student
If you have experienced any form of sexual abuse by an adult, as a student at a Victorian government school, either recently or in the past, we encourage you to report it to us and the police.
You can contact police services:
- Victoria Police on 000 if the risk is immediate
- your local police station or your local Victorian Police Sexual Offences and Child Abuse Investigation Team (SOCIT).
Information on access to counselling assistance and other supports, and how to make a claim for compensation is available.
Refer to: Report sexual abuse if you’re a current or former student.
Independent or catholic schools
If your concern relates to a catholic school, you can contact the Catholic Education Commission of Victoria.
If your concern relates to an independent school, refer to: VRQA complaints.
Department employees and services
Making a complaint as a member of the department
If you have a complaint, lodge it with your immediate manager. You will need to outline what your complaint is about and how you would like to resolve it. If the complaint is about your immediate manager, then discuss the issue with the manager one step above (your manager’s manager).
Refer to: Human Resources - complaint procedure FAQs (PDF).
Report fraud or corruption
If you know or have reason to believe a departmental employee, contractor or service provider has been involved in fraudulent or corrupt conduct, you should report it as a complaint or public interest disclosure.
Refer to: Human Resources - report fraud or corruption.
Offer feedback or complimenting a member of the department
If you wish to pass on general feedback or a compliment, contact the department switchboard. Phone (03) 9637 2000 and ask for the business area involved.
Victorian School Building Authority (VSBA)
You should first discuss your concerns with the relevant staff member or team (where applicable). If you need further support, you can use our online form to submit your feedback or lodge a formal complaint.
Refer to: the VSBA's customer service commitment.
Raising privacy concerns
You can raise privacy concerns about departmental processes, staff or services associated with the:
- collection
- handling, or
- sharing of personal or health information.
You can raise a concern or complaint with your local regional office or our privacy team.
Refer to: Make a privacy complaint.