To help families navigate the Pre-Prep roll-out schedule, we have developed a Pre-Prep Calculator(opens in a new window).
We invite you to use the calculator, test it out, and share it with the families at your service.
From 2025, Four-Year-Old Kindergarten is gradually becoming Pre-Prep. Starting in 6 local government areas (LGAs) in 2025, Pre-Prep will roll out across the state in stages. By 2036, children across Victoria will have access to 30 funded hours of Pre-Prep a week.
The Pre-Prep Calculator allows families to check their child’s eligibility for Pre-Prep and understand what the roll-out schedule means for their child. It factors in the child’s age, LGA and priority group status.
Together with the Starting Age Calculator(opens in a new window), these interactive tools help parents and carers to easily seek clear information on their child’s eligibility for kindergarten programs, including Pre-Prep.
Please consider sharing the template text below with your community through your communication channels.
Template text to share with families
As you may know, from 2025 Four-Year-Old Kindergarten is gradually becoming Pre-Prep in stages as it is rolled out across the state. Access to Pre-Prep is determined by a range of factors – including your location and if your child is part of a priority group.
The Department of Education has developed an easy-to-use ‘Pre-Prep Calculator’ to help you check your child’s eligibility for Pre-Prep.
The new calculator will factor in your child’s birth date, local government area and priority group status to show their potential eligibility for kindergarten programs, including Four-Year-Old Kinder and Pre-Prep, the maximum numbers they are eligible for each week, and when they can start.
You can access the calculator on the department’s Four-Year-Old Kindergarten is becoming Pre-Prep (opens in a new window)webpage.
Find out more
For more information about the Pre-Prep rollout and to access the Pre-Prep Calculator, refer to Four-Year-Old Kindergarten is becoming Pre-Prep(opens in a new window).
For further enquiries, email: in a new window)