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What we are working to achieve: a Victoria free from violence

Achieving this vision is a long-term commitment that requires sustained efforts and investment in primary prevention and action across multiple levels and settings to shift the individual,organisational and community attitudes and behaviours that condone violence.

The Royal Commission into Family Violence highlighted the importance of long-term efforts and investment in primary prevention strategies to stop family violence before it starts. In response to recommendation 187, Free from Violence: Victoria’s strategy to prevent family violence and all forms of violence against women (Free from Violence) was released in May 2017.

Free from Violence articulates our shared vision for a future in which all Victorians:

  • experience equality and respect in all of their relationships, particularly within their families and with intimate partners
  • are empowered and respected at home and everywhere
  • are supported in their relationships to reach their full potential

In a Victoria that is free from violence, individuals, communities and organisations will foster equality, inclusion and respect, following the lead of government.

All Victorians will understand that gender inequality and many other forms of discrimination, power and control drive violence. Victorians will be equipped with the knowledge and skills to identify these drivers of violence and confidently speak out and act against them.

The Free from Violence First Action Plan 2018-2021 (First Action Plan) is the first in a three-staged approach to implement the ten-year Free from Violence strategy. It is also an integral element of the Victorian Government’s 10-year plan for family violence reform, Ending family violence: Victoria’s plan for change.

The First Action Plan commits government to progress 33 actions against five priority areas, outlining short- and long-term initiatives to build the evidence-base, infrastructure and systems to prevent family violence. These priority areas are:

  • build prevention structures and systems
  • research and evaluate
  • innovate and inform
  • scale up and build on what we know
  • engage and communicate with the community


$81.3 million invested under the First Action Plan
