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Find out about training, skills and careers in the region.

Located in Victoria’s east, Gippsland is all about making the most of nature. Large areas of land give farming, agriculture and forestry businesses a place to grow. Access to natural resources has cemented the region’s future as a leader in renewable energy initiatives.

Pristine beaches, rainforests and snowfields, amongst other local attractions, draw in tourists. This boosts hospitality and accommodation services.

As the population ages, the demand for health and community services workers is also set to rise.

So whether you want to be a farmer, nurse or electrician, Gippsland’s job market is full of opportunity.

Training and careers in Gippsland

Local career success story

Gippsland quick facts

Population: 300,664^

Projected number of new workers:

  • 13,668 by 2027*
  • 50,157 by 2034*

Regional features

  • Natural resources
  • Energy generation
  • Local tourism
  • Food production.

Key industries:

Local government areas:

Official region name: Gippsland

Explore growing industries across Victoria
