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Improving outcomes through a better-connected system

The education and training opportunities in Victoria are extensive and diverse, comprising public entities such as secondary schools, TAFEs and universities and many non-government and community based providers such as Learn Locals.

Independent, industry and community training providers deliver for industries like early childhood education and care, community services and
construction, as well as critical and niche skills.

Their work is supported by a host of other organisations, such as Apprenticeship Employment Network members committed to helping people navigate apprenticeships and traineeships.

The VSA has been tasked with driving better connections between all these bodies, to guide future skills planning and improve the flow of Victorians through to great jobs.

Those who struggle to access education and training, and those who want to move within and across sectors, must be the focus.

In response to this need, partnerships between Learn Locals and TAFEs are being expanded. Quality private and community-based training organisations are helping people build core skills and prepare for local work opportunities. Industry and other specialist training organisations are filling important job needs. Many TAFEs and universities collaborate in key priority areas.

Reforms in senior secondary schooling to broaden and strengthen vocational learning within the Victorian Certificate of Education are creating a springboard for more school students to venture into industry areas key to Victoria’s growth and secure good jobs. With the nature of many industries transforming, and jobs changing, these reforms mean students can learn about careers they may not have considered before.

The VSA can help industries engage with the school system to highlight available careers.

By sharing insights from its Industry Advisory Groups and Regional Skills Taskforces, the VSA drives effective collaboration between the education and training community, learners and industry, leading to a richer experience for all players.

The post-secondary education and training student journey

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