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Wildlife Statement of Regulatory Intent Engagement Report

Published by:
Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
28 Jan 2022

About this report

This report outlines the feedback provided by community and industry stakeholders during the public consultation period for the draft Regulating the protection of wildlife: Statement of Regulatory Intent (the Wildlife Statement of Regulatory Intent). The feedback has been analysed and presented in this report by the Conservation Regulator.

Project overview

What is a Statement of Regulatory Intent?

Statements of Regulatory Intent provide an explanation of how the Conservation Regulator will use its powers to prevent, monitor and respond to breaches of the law to achieve our regulatory outcomes in specific topic areas.

The Wildlife Statement of Regulatory Intent outlines the role of the Conservation Regulator in regulating the protection, conservation and activities concerning wildlife in Victoria, and describes what the community and regulated entities can expect from us as a regulator.

The 2018 Independent Review of Timber Harvesting Regulation recommended the development and publication of a Statement of Regulatory Intent for Timber Harvesting. In forming the Conservation Regulator, which has regulatory responsibilities beyond timber harvesting, DELWP committed to producing Statements of Regulatory Intent for other key regulatory areas, including Wildlife.

The implementation of this Wildlife Statement of Regulatory Intent will be publicly reported on annually, as part of the Conservation Regulator’s reporting against its annual Regulatory Priorities.

Public consultation

The draft Wildlife Statement of Regulatory Intent was released for public consultation from 19 July to 30 August 2021. Public feedback from interested individuals, special interest groups and industry members was gathered through an online Engage Victoria survey. Written submissions were also received through the Engage Victoria portal and directly to The Conservation Regulator.

Community and industry commentary received was analysed by the Conservation Regulator and key findings incorporated into the final Wildlife Statement of Regulatory Intent as appropriate.
