2.1 Demonstrates a notable achievement
Notable achievements recorded for: CFA’s 2.2.4 Decrease average time to control bushfires; CFA’s 2.2.2 Increase in percentage of grass and scrub fires contained to 5 hectares; FRV’s 2.1.3a Percentage of emergency medical response within 9.2 mins.
2.2 Continuing off-track trend over repeated quarters
Measures record off-track trend over repeated quarters: CFA’s 2.2.3 Decrease average time suppressing structure fire; FRV’s 3.1.1 Increase support for firefighter health; FRV’s 2.1.3a Percentage response to structure fire within 7.7 mins.
2.3 Significant change from the previous quarter (positive or negative)
Measures record significant change from previous quarter: CFA’s 2.3.4 Decrease in stock loss due to fires; FRV’s 1.3.3 Number of incidents other than structure fires and other non-fire related incidents within FRV districts: non-structure fires.