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2.1 Demonstrates a notable achievement

In this section, FSIM reports on CFA and FRV indicators and measures that meet FSIM’s reporting criteria.

2.1.1 CFA: Decrease in average time to control bushfires (indicator 2.2.4)

CFA reported a decrease in average time to control bushfires representing a positive outcome for the community.

CFA recorded a result of 59 minutes and 43 seconds this quarter, well below the quarterly baseline of 70 minutes and 26 seconds (Figure 1). This is a notable achievement considering increased bushfire activity this reporting period.

CFA advised improvement in the average time to control bushfires is likely linked to the increase in fires contained to 5 hectares. CFA noted there were a number smaller fires requiring less time for containment.

Figure 1: 2.2.4 Decrease in average time to control bushfires

  • Download 'Figure 1: 2.2.4 Decrease in average time to control bushfires'

2.1.2 CFA: Increase in percentage of grass and scrub fires contained to 5 hectares (indicator 2.2.2)

CFA reported an increase in percentage of grass and scrub fires contained to 5 hectares, representing a positive outcome for the community (Figure 2).

This quarter’s result of 94 per cent is 1.8 per cent higher than the quarterly baseline of 92.2 per cent. This is also the first time CFA has met or exceeded the quarterly baseline for this indicator since Q2 2022-23. FSIM noted that CFA recorded a total of 750 grass and scrub fires in Q3 (indicator 2.1.2).

CFA noted in addition to the operational response and tactics employed, there are a number of environmental and circumstantial factors that influence the ability to contain fire spread and extinguish fires, such as the size of the fire at detection, location of the fire (including accessibility and the terrain), weather conditions, and availability of resources. CFA advised that no direct connections can be made to any specific factors for the positive result in Q3.

Figure 2: 2.2.2 Increase in percentage of grass and scrub fires contained to 5 hectares

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2.1.3 FRV: Percentage of emergency medical response (EMR) within 9.2 minutes (target 90 per cent) (measure 2.1.3a)

FRV exceeded target for this measure for fifteen consecutive quarters demonstrating a notable achievement.

In Q3, FRV recorded a result of 95.71 per cent, which is its highest result recorded (Figure 3). FSIM notes that FRV responded to a total of 1446 EMR incidents in FRV districts (measure 1.3.3) and 160 EMR incidents outside of FRV districts (measure 3.4.1b).

Data note

The results below are reported using AIRS data from Q1 2020-21 to Q1 2022-23 and TZV CAD data from Q2 2022-23 to Q3 2023-24.

2.1.3 FRV: Percentage of emergency medical response (EMR) within 9.2 minutes (target 90 per cent) (measure 2.1.3a)

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