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Appendix – Financial and asset outlook

Output costs

The 2024–25 Department Performance Statement sets out the department’s outputs and funding. For the 2024–25 financial year, the department’s output budget totals $16.8 billion.

The department’s objectives and outputs2024–25 ($ million)
Raise development outcomes of 3 and 4‑year old children prior to attending school

Kindergarten delivery


Early childhood sector supports and regulation


Raise learning, development, engagement and wellbeing outcomes for all Victorian students

School education – Primary


School education – Secondary


Wellbeing supports for students


Supports for schools and staff


Provide equitable and inclusive schooling to all Victorian students

Promoting equal access to education


Additional supports for students with disabilities


Total (5)


(5) may not add due to rounding.

Operating performance

The department is expected to report an operating surplus of $551 million in 2024–25, compared with an expected operating surplus in 2023–24 of $505 million for the revised budget.

Balance sheet

The department’s net assets position is estimated to increase by $2.5 billion in 2024–25, compared with the 2023–24 revised budget, reflecting an increase in total assets of $2.6 billion.

Investing and finance

The department is anticipating an increase of $110 million in its net cash position in 2024–25, compared with the 2023–24 revised budget increase of $90 million.

Asset outlook and investment

The department manages a significant and growing asset portfolio to deliver effective education services for Victorians. The asset portfolio includes schools’ property, plant and equipment.

The department’s total assets are estimated to increase to $50 billion by 30 June 2025. More than $2.7 billion has been committed in 2024–25 for new and existing capital projects and $1.6 billion remaining expenditure committed for future capital works. Further financial detail on the department’s asset program is available in the 2024–25 State Budget Paper 4: State Capital Program.
