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Strategic direction

Our vision is a great education for every child and young person – so they can thrive now, and in the future, for a fairer, smarter and more prosperous state.

Our vision

A great education for every child and young person - so they can thrive now, and in the future, for a fairer, smarter and more prosperous state.

Our outcomes

Our outcomes clarify the impact we want to see from the collective efforts of the department.

OutcomeWhy it matters
Learning and development: Excellent learning and development outcomes. Strong engagement and wellbeing for all Victorian children and young people.Learning and development are central to our ambition for education services and support. The evidence shows a strong sense of wellbeing enables children to engage positively and confidently with their environment and take full advantage of learning opportunities. Quality of teaching matters for year-on-year student progression and achievement, and for child development more broadly.
Equity and inclusion: Equitable and inclusive education and care for all Victorian children and young people.Every child and young person has the fundamental human right to education, so that they can fully participate in society and achieve their potential. Many learners face significant barriers to their learning and development that are outside their control and too often affect their life outcomes. Targeted and effective support is needed to ensure education is equitable and inclusive, so that every child and young person can thrive.
Pathways and opportunities: Children and young people have pathways through education to future careers. Victorian parents and carers are supported to participate in the workforce.The individual journey through education settings looks different for every child and young person. It is important that pathways are in place for every learner to reach a variety of careers they may aspire to. Helping parents and carers to work and study supports their economic participation, their goals for themselves and their families, and has a positive influence on their children’s aspirations and the pathways they choose to take.
Child safety: Children and young people who are safe from harm throughout their education. Staff who are well equipped to keep children safe and identify early signs of child safety risk or harm.Children and young people should be able to live a life free of sexual and physical abuse, serious emotional harm, psychological harm and neglect. The care of children is of paramount importance and requires constant vigilance. This requires oversight, proactive strategies, enhanced child safety capabilities and strong support to schools to meet Child Safe Standards.

Our objectives1

Objective 1: Raise development outcomes of 3 and 4-year-old children prior to attending school.

Objective 2: Raise standards of learning, development, engagement and wellbeing for all Victorian students.

Objective 3: Provide equitable and inclusive schooling to all Victorian students.

1 Department of Treasury and Finance (DTF), 2024–25 State Budget, Budget Paper No. 3 — Service Delivery, DTF, 2024.
