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Department overview

What we do and who we work with.

What we do

The department provides a wide range of learning and development support and services.

The department provides policy leadership, plans for the future of education in Victoria and leads key cross-sector collaboration. The department plays an important system steward role by providing support, guidance, oversight and assurance across early childhood and school education systems, as well as directly providing school education.

Early childhood (birth to 8)School education (5 to 18)
  • Early childhood education and care services, with a focus on kindergarten programs
  • Primary education
  • Secondary education
  • Special education
  • Language
  • More than 145,000 children funded to kindergarten programs
    • over 67,000 children attend a 3-Year-Old Kindergarten program
    • over 78,000 children attend a 4-Year-Old Kindergarten program
  • More than 1,049,000 students
    • approximately 661,000 students in government schools
    • approximately 216,000 students in Catholic schools
    • approximately 172,000 students in Independent schools
  • More than 5,000 regulated education and care services of all types
  • Approximately 3,000 funded kindergarten services
  • 1,570 government schools
  • 724 non-government schools

Who we work with

The department and its portfolio entities work collaboratively with a diverse range of public, private and not-for-profit providers serving Victorian children and young people.

Education portfolio partners and authorities include:Key stakeholder groups include:
Victorian Curriculum and Assessment AuthorityEarly childhood and school education peak bodies
Victorian Registration and Qualifications AuthorityIndustry associations and unions
Victorian Academy of Teaching and LeadershipAdvocacy and special interest groups
Victorian Institute of TeachingGovernment department and agencies
Merit Protection Boards and Disciplinary Appeals Boards

Early childhood and school education experts

Parents and students
