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Guiding principles and values

Our guiding principles and values at the department.

Guiding principles

Our guiding principles describe how we will approach our work and the culture we will foster.

Guiding principlesWhy it matters

Hearts in, minds on

We bring our passion, knowledge and skills to improve outcomes.

Our people are passionate and knowledgeable, and we want to encourage every person to bring their whole self to work. When we put our ‘hearts in’ and ‘minds on’ it means we are authentic and make connections that are positive and impactful.

Our best work matters

We do high-quality work that matters to people’s lives.

Our efforts to do high-quality work means we follow the steps to get it right, we involve the right people and we hold ourselves to the highest standards. This approach to delivering high-quality work directly leads to greater impact.

Be curious and work together

We listen, collaborate and value challenge and diversity.

Our inclusive and collaborative approach to working with our colleagues, partners and stakeholders brings in different perspectives and builds confidence. This is important for arriving at well-considered conclusions that are also well-supported.

Seize the day

We are proactive, seek to solve problems and adapt to deliver.

Our commitment to be proactive, to solve problems and adapt is what helps us to deliver positive change. From marginal improvements all the way up to transformational reform, we seize the day and take the initiative to push our work forwards.

See the whole picture

We are guided by evidence and seek to understand the broader context.

Our perspectives and discussions are shaped by the evidence of what works and are informed by our broader understanding of the context and system at play. This ability to see the whole picture improves our work and our influence on achieving better outcomes.

VPS values

Our Victorian public sector (VPS) values describe the behaviour that the Victorian Government and community expect of us and are codified in the Public Administration Act 2004. These values ensure we are fair, objective and courteous in all our dealings.

The VPS values are:

  • Responsiveness
  • Integrity
  • Impartiality
  • Accountability
  • Respect
  • Leadership
  • Human Rights
VPS values
