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Family Violence Outcomes Framework measures

Translating our vision of a Victoria free from family violence into a quantifiable set of outcomes, indicators and measures

The Family Violence Outcomes Framework (the Outcomes Framework) translates our vision of a Victoria free from Violence, outlined in our 10-year Plan, into a framework that will enable us to measure and understand the impacts of our efforts.

The Family Violence Outcomes Framework

The four domains that make up the Outcomes Framework are:

  1. Family violence and gender inequality are not tolerated.
  2. Victim survivors, vulnerable children and families, are safe and supported to recover and thrive.
  3. Perpetrators are held accountable, connected and take responsibility for stopping their violence.
  4. Preventing and responding to family violence is systemic and enduring.

Family Violence Outcomes Framework domains

  • Download 'Family Violence Outcomes Framework domains'

The Family Violence Outcomes Framework Measurement and Monitoring implementation strategy outlines the whole of government approach to annual reporting on the outcomes of the family violence reform.

Family Violence Outcomes Framework Measurement and Monitoring implementation strategy

Data availability and improvements

Data in this report was collected and analysed through consultation with departments and agencies across government. This included the Crime Statistics Agency, the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing, and from publicly available surveys conducted by the Australian Bureau of Statistics and Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety.

The foundational measures in this report provide a starting point.

About half of the measures in this report are Victorian crime and justice data sourced via the Crime Statistics Agency. We know family violence is far reaching and not just limited to policing (as the breadth of priorities in this website’s Rolling Action Plan section shows). As more and more parts of the reform are implemented, we can expand the measures under the Outcomes Framework, so we have a better sense of the impact our work has had on people’s lives across all parts of the reform.

To get there, we know we have more work to do to continue to strengthen the availability and consistency of data across government and the family violence sector. Although the impact of COVID-19 delayed our outcomes measurement and monitoring program in 2021, over the next few months we are working to improve data by:

  • linking data sets and identifying new data sources to test new outcomes measures related to victim survivors and perpetrators
  • disaggregating data for priority communities, for example Aboriginal and culturally and linguistically diverse communities
  • developing a tracking system to support the collection of data relating to the outcomes of perpetrator interventions and family violence therapeutic interventions
  • developing short to medium-term prevention measures to tell us how we are tracking as we work towards our long-term vision of a Victoria free from violence.
