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Rolling Action Plan 2020–2023 activities

Working towards a Victoria free from family violence

The Rolling Action Plan 2020-2023, is a coordinated cross-government plan to implement the next stage of the 10-year plan. It was launched as Victoria continues to respond to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

It carries on from the first Rolling Action Plan 2017-2020. This laid a solid foundation for investment and activities.

The second Rolling Action Plan builds on this. It includes new areas of focus.

Its goal is that by 2023, we will have a system that is:

  • more connected, sustainable and focused on preventing violence before it starts
  • delivering better outcomes for victim survivors
  • holding perpetrators to account.

This report focuses on activities that have been committed to in the Rolling Action Plan. It reflects considerable work over the past year across government and statutory authorities. These include:

  • Court Services Victoria
  • Department of Education and Training
  • Department of Families, Fairness and Housing
  • Department of Health
  • Department of Justice and Community Safety
  • Respect Victoria
  • Victoria Police.

This is not a comprehensive report on all work under way to reform the way we prevent and respond to family violence.

The sector constantly adapts to needs, risks and situations as they arise, beyond the actions in the Rolling Action Plan. This reflects our commitment to embedding lasting, sustainable change across the system.

This report focuses on the achievements across the whole of the sector. It only refers to departments or authorities where required.

You can see what has been delivered against each of the priority areas by selecting the relevant area in the side menu.

Each section sets out:

  • what we have achieved
  • what we are focused on delivering
  • how these activities will contribute to the family violence reform outcomes.

Activities might be mentioned across a number of different priority areas. This reflects the fact they contribute to the delivery of multiple priorities. Where possible, this has been minimised to reduce duplication.

Activities are reflected in the primary priority area they contribute to. For example, the Prevention of Family Violence Data Platform contributes to both the Primary prevention priority area and the Research and evaluation priority area.

Rolling Action Plan 2020–2023 activity status

Of the 212 activities that we committed to in the Rolling Action Plan:

  • 40 have been completed
  • another 146 are in progress, 37 of which are expected to be completed in the first half of 2022
  • 16 activities have been delayed
  • a further 10 activities are scheduled to commence in 2022 or 2023.

Rolling Action Plan activities by status

  • Download 'Rolling Action Plan activities by status'

The COVID-19 pandemic interrupted the delivery of some activities under the Rolling Action Plan and required some reprioritisation.

Necessary public health measures contributed to an increased risk of family violence and affected the ability of services to respond to those experiencing family violence.

Victorian Government resources were in some cases redeployed to support the COVID-19 response. This affected the implementation of the Rolling Action Plan, as did disruptions to building activities such as for new housing and court facilities.

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic

However, despite the many challenges associated with the pandemic, significant progress has been made in delivering actions under the Rolling Action Plan. This reflects the agility and responsiveness of the family violence sector during this period.


Rolling Action Plan activity progress (accessible)
Word 231.83 KB
(opens in a new window)
Rolling Action Plan activity progress
PDF 517.31 KB
(opens in a new window)
