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Royal Commission into Family Violence recommendations

A commitment to implement all Royal Commission into Family Violence recommendations

The Royal Commission was established in 2015 after a number of family violence-related deaths in Victoria - most notably the death of Luke Batty.

The role of the Commission was to find ways to prevent family violence, improve support for victim survivors and hold perpetrators to account.

The Royal Commission found existing programs were not able to:

  • reduce the frequency and impact of violence
  • prevent violence through early intervention
  • support victim survivors
  • hold perpetrators to account for their actions
  • coordinate community and government services.

The Royal Commission identified 227 recommendations for the family violence system and we are working to implement every one of these recommendations.

Royal Commission into Family Violence

In response to the Royal Commission, the Victorian Government announced an ambitious plan: 10 years to rebuild Victoria’s family violence system (2016). The commitment to implement all 227 recommendations from the Royal Commission provided the basis for the reform outlined in the plan.

As at 8 September 2021, we have implemented 204 of the recommendations, with the remaining 23 recommendations expected to be implemented by October 2022. The Victorian Government recognises that implementing the recommendations is not the end of a task but in fact the next step toward building a new family violence system.

In line with Victoria’s 10-year plan, we will continue to improve the family violence system through the Rolling Action Plan and use the Family Violence Outcomes Framework to monitor our progress towards the changes we want to see.
