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Domain 2: Victim survivors

Victim survivors, vulnerable children and families, are safe and supported to recover and thrive

The Royal Commission found that the service system did not make it easy for victim survivors and families to know what support was available. When they sought help, they encountered a system that was almost impossible to navigate.

Since the Royal Commission, we have worked to ensure victim survivors' voices are central to our efforts to prevent and respond to family violence. The establishment of the Victim Survivors Advisory Council in 2016 enabled victim survivor experiences to frame the development of the reform.

All four domains of the Family Violence Outcomes Framework integrate lived experience as an essential element.

People with lived experience also co-designed The Orange Door, a key service delivery reform to keep victim survivors safe.

The Orange Door provides victim survivors and people affected by family violence with access to services and specialist family violence workers. This includes ‘service navigators’ who assist people through the system to access the support they need. Through these and other changes, victim survivors are beginning to access more timely and responsive assistance, tailored to their own individual circumstances and experiences of family violence.

The data in this domain is sourced primarily via the Crime Statistics Agency. For the 2023 version of the Ending family violence annual report, we expect to include a broader set of measures, including measures where data between different datasets are linked, to provide a broader picture of the reform. We recommend you read this data alongside the breadth of activity in this website’s Rolling Action Plan section.

Family Violence Outcomes Framework: Domain 2

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Outcomes measures data
