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Building from strength

The Royal Commission into Family Violence found that workforce planning and development is a central pillar of our work.

In response, the government developed Building from strength. This is a 10-year industry plan to support the family violence workforce and was developed in close partnership with peak bodies, industry, unions, advocates and the tertiary education sector.

At its heart, Building from strength seeks to support a system where victim survivors, including children and young people, can get the support they need to feel safe. It also brings perpetrator accountability to the forefront so they can get the support they need.

The plan includes the family violence, specialist family violence, primary prevention and sexual assault workforces.

It supports workers and organisations to respond to and prevent family violence. It includes the Multi-Agency Risk Assessment and Management (MARAM) Framework and Information Sharing Scheme. This helps everyone in the sector understand their responsibilities.

Building from strength is being delivered through rolling action plans (RAPs). These set out the actions and activities we will undertake to achieve the vision of Building from strength.

The actions are guided by principles of:

  • Aboriginal self-determination
  • gender equality
  • intersectional approaches
  • the value of lived experience.

Delivering Building from strength is a whole-of-Victorian Government responsibility. It requires us to engage with Victoria’s tertiary education system, including universities and TAFEs. We also need to work with workers and employers across universal and specialised services.

