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What we have achieved so far

The Royal Commission into Family Violence made 227 recommendations. We have implemented them all now. These reforms have transformed the service system and our workforce.

The first RAP, called Strengthening the foundations, provided a base for future workforce planning and development work.

It set out initiatives focused on workforce supply, wellbeing and capability development, and system integration.

It covered 61 actions in seven focus areas, including:

  • delivering programs and activities to grow the workforce, including attraction and recruitment campaigns, specialist programs for trainees and graduates, increased organizational support for people undertaking student placements
  • providing tools to embed MARAM and support organisational change through new practice guidance, resources, capability building and training
  • supporting employers to recruit and retain their workforces, including a jobs portal, scholarships and transition support for the introduction of mandatory minimum qualifications policy
  • boosting family violence response and primary prevention capability with:
    • new practice guidance
    • vocational education and training courses
    • professional development and communities of practice
    • leadership programs
    • health, safety and wellbeing programs
    • best practice supervision
  • building the evidence base through activities including funded research, new workforce data collection approaches and a new Best Practice Education Model for family violence training.

Figure 1: First rolling action plan – key achievements

Attraction and recruitment

  • 270,000+ visitsto the Family Violence Hub and Jobs Portal
  • 98,000+ viewsof campaign animations
  • 5300+ job seekersregistered to the Jobs Portal

Entering the workforce

  • 1789 student placementsEnhanced Pathways to Family Violence Work
  • 133 graduatesFamily Violence and Sexual Assault Graduate Program

Upskilling the workforce

  • 311 traineesFamily Violence and Sexual Assault Traineeship Program
  • 107,000+ receivedMARAM training
  • 4600+ enrolledAccredited training
  • 1400+ participantsCritical Legal Issues Map Training

Building leadership

  • 451 participantsLeadership Intensive Program
  • 127 graduatedFast track program
  • 400+ membershipsLeadership Alumni Network

Primary prevention

  • 650+ trained Gender and Disability Workforce Development Program
  • 376 participantsPrimary Prevention Workforce Development Program
