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Minister's foreword

The people who work in our family violence and sexual assault support services are invaluable. This is meaningful work which can change lives.

They support people when they are at their most vulnerable.

At the heart of our Government’s efforts to prevent and respond to family and sexual violence in Victoria are our family violence and sexual assault support service workers.

Building from Strength: 10-year industry plan for family violence centres on our important family violence workforce – the people who are daily helping to rebuild lives. We are deeply committed to developing our workforce which this plan has guided since 2017. Across various sectors, recruiting new workers and retaining current employees can be a challenge, and our family and sexual violence support services are no different.

Ensuring that our existing workforce remains engaged, that we nurture career progression and demonstrate appreciation for their work, is essential.

This work is meaningful and important. We need to continue to interest and attract new workers while also improving education and training options.

Framing the future is a major pillar of our overarching Ending Family Violence Strategy. Its third rolling action plan is due for release later this year.

I extend my heartfelt gratitude to those who have championed family violence reform, including victim survivors, advocates, peak bodies as well as practitioners.

As we take the next step forward, I want to acknowledge the tireless work of Victoria’s services and those who work in them. Your commitment and dedication have been unwavering, even during the most challenging of times.

As we frame the future together, I feel privileged to work alongside you, our victim survivors, advocates and peak bodies.

Together we are building a system that is inclusive, responsive and innovative which will continue to help keep women and children safe.

Profile photo of The Hon. Vicki Ward, Minister for Prevention of Family Violence

Vicki Ward MP

Minister for Prevention of Family Violence

