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Frequently asked questions about road safety cameras

Our answers to some of the most asked questions about the road safety camera program on Victorian roads.

How do cameras save lives?

Speed is one of the biggest killers on Victorian roads, with around one third of all crashes involving inappropriate speed.

By reducing speed, you increase the likelihood of surviving a crash or avoiding injury.

Victoria’s road safety camera system slows drivers down and, in doing so, saves lives.

I was only a few kilometres over the limit – that’s not really speeding. Why should I be punished?

Low-level speeding refers to motorists travelling a few kilometres per hour (km/h) over the legal limit.

It is the most common form of speeding and accounts for the majority of speed-related trauma.

Even speeding at 5 km/h above the speed limit increases both the likelihood of a crash occurring and the severity of driver and pedestrian injuries in the event of a crash.

Can mobile speed cameras be set up on a hill?

The Victoria Police Traffic Camera Office (TCO) provides guidelines around the operation of mobile road safety cameras through the Mobile Digital Road Safety Camera Policy & Operations Manual.

Mobile Digital Road Safety Camera Policy & Operations Manual
PDF 772.2 KB
(opens in a new window)

The guidelines specify that there are no technical or legal restrictions on placing a mobile road safety camera on a slope, gradient or hill.

Visit the mobile cameras page for more information.

I don’t think I was speeding but got flashed by a camera. Could it have been another vehicle?

If you see a road safety camera flash and you are certain you were not speeding or driving against a red light or red arrow, do not panic.

There are a couple of reasons why the camera may have flashed:

  • it may be in a testing phase
  • it may have been capturing an offence in another lane.

Visit the flashed but not speeding page for more information.

I was already in the intersection when the lights changed to red. Will I be prosecuted?

If a light changes to red while you are already in the intersection, you will not be issued a fine.

The camera is only activated by a vehicle entering the intersection (driving over the stop line) after the light has turned red.

Visit the red light cameras page for more information.

How do you select locations for road safety cameras?

Visit the how camera locations are chosen page for information about how fixed and mobile camera locations are selected.

Where does the revenue raised from cameras go?

Visit the revenue from fines page for more information.

Does the movement of a bridge or gantry affect the operation of the road safety cameras attached to it?

A number of road safety cameras in Victoria and similarly, in Australia and internationally, are mounted on bridges and gantries that experience some degree of movement from wind or other sources. Road safety cameras have been designed with this in mind.

How can I report a road safety camera that appears to be damaged or not working correctly?

You can let us know by using our online feedback form.

Your feedback should include:

  • camera type (fixed or mobile)
  • camera location (including direction of travel)
  • date and time of travel.

Please note: If your concern relates to a camera that you believe flashed even though you were not speeding or driving against a red light or red arrow, do not panic.

Cameras can flash for reasons other than offence detection (due to testing or detecting an offence in another lane). Visit the flashed but not speeding page for more information.

I’ve received a fine, but the camera image of the offence shows two vehicles. How does Victoria Police know I was responsible and not the other driver?

Road safety cameras can monitor multiple lanes for both speeding and red light offences.

The camera differentiates between lanes and only the offending vehicle will be fined.

Advisory letters for mobile phone and seatbelt detection cameras for offences detected before 1 July 2023

Why are advisory letters being issued?

The Victorian State Government is issuing advisory letters to the registered operators of vehicles which have been detected by the mobile phone and seatbelt detection cameras committing mobile phone or seatbelt offences between 31 March 2023 and 30 June 2023.

The advisory letter is not a fine and the recipient does not have to pay a penalty and no demerit points will be recorded.

It is important to note the advisory letter only applies to drivers who have committed offences that are detected by the camera technology. Victoria Police can still enforce and issue fines if they detect drivers committing mobile phone or seatbelt offences during this period.

Why are these letters being sent?

The purpose is to notify recipients about the new type of road safety camera, remind drivers about the dangers of being distracted while driving or the dangers of not wearing a seatbelt and give drivers an opportunity to change their driving behaviour before camera enforcement commences.

Who can I contact about the advisory letter?

If you have a question about the advisory letter, you can submit an enquiry using the email address on the letter:

Do I have to pay a fine?

If you have a question about the advisory letter, you can submit an enquiry using the email address provided on the advisory letter:

The advisory letter is sent regarding mobile phone and seatbelt detection camera offences detected between 31 March 2023 and 30 June 2023. The letter not a fine and the recipient does not have to pay a penalty and no demerit points will be recorded.

I wasn’t the driver at the time.

If you haven’t been issued a fine, it is not necessary to nominate the person who was responsible for the offence. If you know who was responsible, you may pass the advisory letter on to them.

I don’t own this vehicle any longer.

Please make sure that VicRoads has recorded the details of the new owner to avoid letters or notices being issued to you in the future.
