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Road Safety Camera Commissioner

The Office of the Road Safety Camera Commissioner was established in 2012 to increase transparency and enhance accountability of Victoria’s road safety camera system.

The Office of the Road Safety Camera Commissioner was established in 2012 to increase transparency, enhance accountability and increase the public confidence of Victoria’s road safety camera system.

The Road Safety Camera Commissioner (RSCC) is an independent statutory office holder responsible for:

  • monitoring and reviewing current road safety camera operations
  • reviewing information made available about the road safety camera system
  • investigating and reviewing any part of the road safety camera system
  • managing complaints from members of the public about technical or systemic issues relating to road safety cameras (excludes intervening in individual cases and reviewing decisions to issue traffic infringement notices)
  • advising the Minister for Police on any matter in relation to the road safety camera system.

In June 2022, the government appointed Neville Taylor APM as the new Road Safety Camera Commissioner. Mr Taylor had been Acting Road Safety Camera Commissioner since December 2021.

Mr Taylor is passionate about road safety and protecting the Victorian community. He has a high level of expertise in criminal justice. He also has experience in how to put in place a safe systems model approach within road safety.

He is working towards the targets set out in the Victorian Road Safety Strategy 2021–2030. These include halving road deaths and reducing serious injuries by 2030.
